Addicted To Fanfiction

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The house was silent without Zoe and Puck. Samm was still ignoring me and I found out that she was dating one of her exes, Alex. He wasn't the best person around and I worried for her, but whenever I brought it up a fight would start. We were going no where.

I checked the LooksDon'tMatter page and nearly had a heart attack. It was dedicated to me. Just like there were pages dedicated to Eleanor's fashion and Danielle's dancing, this one was about looks and how no matter what you look like, someone will always love you.

I was a role model for girls who felt insecure or were obese. They posted messages about how a girl with a scar on half her face could get the hottest man known to the world, so could anybody. It nearly brought me to tears.

I never expected things to get like this. I hadn't expected to even be accepted. Yes, there were still those select few who hated on me but I had more lovers than haters. With the one week I had left London, Marry was trending on Twitter and I became the topic of most conversations. I sighed after the second week and things began to calm down.

I soon became addicted to something known as Fanfiction. I learned so much about Harry through fanfictions, that he had a cat named Dusty (or Molly) and that he had nearly a million girlfriends fictionally. Not that I minded. These fictional girls were great. I especially loved how they conveyed Harry as a ladies man and how he changed for the girl.

Did that happen between Harry and me in real life? We had met when he was single and he had said that he'd broken up with somebody. Who was she? I forgot to ask and when we did have the exes talk we ended up fighting. I should remember to bring it up with him.

"Hey babe," Harry said one nigh as we spoke over the phone. Samm was once again MIA and I didn't bother to call her. She would come home at her own time. "What're you doing?"

"Reading." I muttered, playing with my lip as I continued to read a very dirty fanfic of Harry. My eyes widened at one part. Holy crap.

"What'cha reading?" He wondered.

"Um..." What the hell was the name? "It doesn't have a name..."

"What book doesn't have a name?" He laughed. "Is it Fifty Shades of Grey?"

Fifty Shades of Styles more like it.


"Tell me."


"Fine. I just wanted to call and say that the kids miss you and that I have a surprise for your birthday." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"My babies," I cooed. "I miss them too. And I don't want anything for my birthday, Harry."

"You have to want something." He said.

I bit my lip, "Nope. Just to spend time with my lovely boyfriend."

"Suck up. Hey, I have to go. Love you baby."

"Love you too, Harry." 

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