Starving Louis Tomlinson

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When I woke the next morning facing my window, Slowly I turned around sighed in relief when I saw Harry there. Yesterday had really happened. He had stood up to Samm and had blew up on everyone. Just for me. I couldn't be anymore happier.

However, my mood dropped about seven notches when I realized that Harry was holding that damned blue journal, his eyes scanning over the pages. He didn't seem to like what he was reading and a scowl formed on his face.

"You shouldn't read that," I said, making him jump in surprise. He apparently hadn't heard me wake up. "You'll just hate me more."

He seemed guilty for a second. He set the book down and laid back down, our faces mere inches apart.

"Why'd you do that yourself?" He asked. I didn't know what he was talking about, either everything in the journal or the few weeks after the classroom had happened. I had done a lot of things to myself then.

I sighed, "I don't know. To get attention maybe? I just wanted to be the top bitch-" He glared at me but I ignored him. "-and I didn't care about any body else." I hope he was talking about what I had done to be the most popular girl in school and not after the fact.


"I deserve what she's doing right now, Harry. She can hit me all she wants and it still wouldn't be enough. I practically ruined her life." I admitted. And it was true. Everything Samm had said the other night was absolutely 100% true. I was a bitch and one of the worst friends ever.

"No you didn't. She's just over reacting." Harry ran his thumb down my face, over the infamous scar, and then rested on my chin.

I rolled my eyes. Samm could over react, but trying to cheat on Niall with Harry? Please.

"Don't let her ruin our day," He whispered, leaning forward and kissing my scar. He ran his lips over it, making sure to not leave any part untouched. "Let's just relax."

I shivered in delight at his words.

"Stop!" I giggled when his fingers neared my stomach. "I will hit you!" I warned.

He snorted, "Psh. Please. Come at me, woman."

Oh I will. I lunged at him and grabbing him by the shoulders, I held him down. I quickly straddled him and pushed my hair over my shoulder, giving him a victorious smile.

He looked like an Angel, laying underneath me. His hair was fanned out and he had a beautiful smile on his face. His eyes were bright with happiness and it made me proud to know that I gave him that feeling. He looked so happy and care free.

He raised a hand and gripped my hip, "Now what? You've caught me." He teased.

And once again, this feeling began to form in my stomach. Just him smiling at me made it appear.

"Now I torture you." I whispered, ignoring my stomach, and bending down to give him a kiss. His soft lips met mine and my whole chest constricted. It felt like I was suffocating and only he could give me oxygen.

"I like this torture." He muttered against my lips, one hand coming up to tangle itself in my hair.

I gasped in shock when he gave my hair a little jerk, and at my shock, he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moaned against him, loving the feeling he was giving me. His whole body was plastered against mine, our lips never parting.

When I thought I was going to faint from air loss, he pulled away and began to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes, letting him do what he pleased with me.

He pulled away and I could see so much care in his eyes. I melted in his arms.

"Your cheek is bruised." He muttered, a small frown on his lips as he ran his hand down my right cheek.

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