Chapter 35: A Week Of Late Nights

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Thursday morning, I woke up to the usual tolling of a bell that was my default sound for my alarm. Dylan's personalized alarm  was sweeter than candy, but after cutting it right on the edge of being late multiple times, I needed a practical alarm. His soft and soothing voice didn't do much in the way of waking me up and getting me out of bed. Somehow, I managed to let it slip that I had changed my alarm from his to another and he never let me hear the end of it. Whenever he'd bring it up, our conversation would end with me telling him countless times that it was just as adorable as him. And Dylan being the cheesy hopeless romantic that he was, would always bust out the line 'Not as adorable as you'. On the outside, I would roll my eyes and act as if his words actually caused me physical pain, but on the inside, I couldn't have been happier that he said that.

The mere thought of my dreamy neighbour sent butterflies crazy in my stomach, a smile desperately pleading to be shown. Just thinking about him and the possibility of there being an 'us' got me through my mind numbing Advanced Math class. The combination of letters and numbers wasn't the main factor to the mental abuse I was receiving, but it was Aaron's constant blabbering. His voice would hover over my shoulder as I crouched over my paper, solving to the best of my abilities. Still, I didn't have the heart to ask him to keep quiet, because he was happy, and who was I to stop him from being happy. Everyone deserved to be happy. That included me.

I listened to my feet hit the ground, my books held tight to my chest by both my arms as I made my way to English Literature. Kyan's words had finally drilled their way through my thick skull, and managed to convince me that I was indeed worthy of happiness. And if that happiness comes to me in the form of a ridiculously charming college student, you wouldn't hear a single complaint from me.

A faint scraping sound echoed through the classroom as I sat down on my chair, causing it to shift back slightly. I dropped my bag on the floor beside my chair as I looked around the room. Justin was sitting on someone's arm chair, someone whose name I couldn't recall. A cheerful smirk tainted my lips as I watched him having fun, flirting with the guy who was obviously enjoying it. As I turned my attention back to the front of the room, Mrs. Olie walked in, a gracious aura surrounding her.

"Before we start the discussion on this week's chapter," She spoke as I pulled out my book. "I would like to inform you of where I will be getting the 30% of your grade." Her slender fingers gripped the edge of the table as she leaned on it, facing us. "At the end of the term, you will all be making a trailer for our topic, 'To Kill A Mockingbird'."

"Do we have to make a video?" A male voice questioned.

This cued Mrs.Olie to send a disgusted glare at the student. "How else do you make a trailer?" Her graceful composure was now turning into one of annoyance and confusion.

The same hand shot out from behind me, catching my attention along with Mrs.Olie's. "Will this be individual?"

"Yes, you're going to represent an entire book of characters by yourself." The class snicked at our teacher's words now dripping with sarcasm."You will be grouped into five."

The same student raised his hand once more. "Miss?"

"If it's another senseless question, I'm sending you to the principal's office." She threatened.

Everyone turned their heads to the student who was just about to hit strike three, when his hand slowly lowered onto his lap. We waited along with our teacher, keeping our eyes on him, wondering if another inquiry would pop into his head. When nothing emerged from his mouth, the rest of us once more snickered at him. Either this guy was really trying to get on Mrs.Olie's nerves, which wasn't a smart idea, or he had absolutely no clue on what to do.

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