A Poem for Hope

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I just read hopestar524's rant book and it inspired me to write this poem dedicated to her. Sorry if it's bad, I just had to get my feelings out.

Her whirling mind controls her,

and its wrath is still and strong.

The being of the dark abyss

has been queen for far too long.

She holds her fingers to her temples,

stifling her screams,

for the cruelties that the world forgets,

that no one seems to see. 

The agony that she receives

for bearing such a strain

is told in scorching sorrow that reaps

to no one else's gain. 

But still she fights on through,

the embodiment of hope.

Her writings and compassion for others

is the strength that helps her cope.

For through her pain and detailed mind,

and the visions that she views,

she lets the others understand,

and her wisdom helps them choose.

To see the girl of fiery will 

is to see the land of peace,

for through all that renders her in fear,

the plights of others cease.

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