Chp.40 The babys Here.

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Deyonn POV

I called everybody and told them that Rayray was at the hospital. Faith came ASAP and everybody else. I told rayray mom she was in labor and she said that she was gonna take the first flight that she could. They took Amity in the room and said that she wasn't ready she was only 5 cm so they told her to get rest.I pulled my chair up to the bed and held her hand.

----8 am----

Rayray screams woke everybody up . I called for the nurse and she came running into the room to check Rayray. They said she was now 9cm so she was ready to have the baby. The nurse left then came back with more people they said it could only be three people in the room so it was Me,Faith and Kayla.

Nurse:" Okay Amity do you want to do this natural or not?"


Nurse:" Does she have a contraction?"

The man that was on the computer looked and then nodded his head yes.

Nurse:"Amity I'm going to need you to do a little push because you could tear yourself sweetie."

She pushed slowly.

Nurse"Good now I'm going to need you to do a big one."

Amity squeezed my hand hard and pushed ,her entire face turned red. She laid back  on the pillow crying and breathing Heavily.

Amity: "Deyonn I cant do it. It hurts so bad." She said putting her hand over her eyes crying.

It hurts seeing my baby like this but she has to push through.

Me: "Baby you're doing great. You can do this come on baby he's almost here." I said rubbing my thumb on her sweaty forehead.

Nurse:"Amity honey you're doing soooo Good. Now on the count of three push give me another big push."


Amity leaned up from the pillow grabbed her legs and pushed "Ahhhhhhh!"

Faith:" Come on Rayray you can do it!"

Amity:"SHUT UP!"

She leaned back on the pillow still breathing hard.

Me/Nurse:"I see the head!"

After that I fainted.

Faith POV

Deyonn ass fellout so I walked over to Rayray and grabbed her hand.

Amity: "What the hell ?? Did Deyonn ass faint? What a fucking supporter he is !"

Nurse:"Ok sweetheart one more big push and he should be here."

Amity pushed with all in her. I could tell because she was squeezing the fuck out of my hand I almost cried. Deyonn got up just in time.

The baby came out screaming to the top of his lungs. My nephew was handsome.

Nurse:"Here you go. A healthy handsome baby boy."

A nurse put a towel on her stomach then put the baby on it. The nurse whipped him off then wrapped him up in the towel and gave him to amity. At this moment I was in tears. My little sister had her first child.

Amity:"Welcome to the world baby." She kissed his forehead. "I'm your mommy and I promise I'm going be the best mother I can be."😌

Deyonn walked over to the baby and kissed his forehead then kissed Rayray on the lips. Rayray handed the baby to Deyonn and Kayla? That child fainted as well. Well that explains why she hasn't said a word this entire time.

Deyonn:"Hey,baby boy I'm your daddy." He said snuggling up next to him.

^*^*Hours later^*^*

Deyonn POV

The nurse took my baby. But before she did everybody got a chance to hold and see him. That's including Rayray mom and step dad. The crew went home afterwards. Rayray mom and dad is on the couch. Kayla is in bed with Amity she said she wasn't getting on floor. I was in the chair next to sleeping Rayray. The nurse came back in with a clipboard

Nurse:"Excuse me but would you like to name your baby now or later?"

Me:" Now...His name is going to be Adin Desai Hendrix."

Nurse:"Ok. And that's a beautiful name by the way."

She wrote the name down then left and I went to sleep.

Thank you for reading this book, book two will be coming soon and just so uk it's gonna have a lot of heart breaking.

Ohh and comment if you want me to publish book two soon and again thank you peeps.☺️☺️☺️

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