Chp.2 Business

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Deyonn POV

Travis: "Wassam boss?"

Me: "Wassup."*I said dapping him.*

Travis: "Not much, not much. The rest of the crew on the way."

Me: "Good because we gotta discuss this lil situation." *I said moving to the couch for a seat*

There were three knocks on the door.

Travis: "Announce yourself." *He said facing the door*

???: "Who you think? Open the door it's Wheezy, Lele, Darell, Shay,Juicy,Sky,Trell andMarco fool!"

I nodded for him to open the door.

Travis: "Stop knocking at the door like you a damn police Wheezy." Travis said opening the door.

I waited until they were all was seated until I spoke.

Me: "I called this meeting because we have very important business to handle.We let them niggas have their fun now it's time to have ours. The niggas that shot at us, We have intel on them. I know where their spot is so tomorrow we take they ass out."

Wheezy: "I been waiting for this! Them bitches made me break a nail."*Turns nose up*

Me: "Anyways, Their main spot is at Big Joe store on liberty street.We're going there at exactly 2:00am. No later or earlier exactly 2:00. Therefore I need everybody there and in position. The reason why we going around that time is because not many folks be around, no witnesses so this the plan. Trell, Marco, and Travis y'all take the niggas out that is the lookout at the back of the store. Sky, Shay, Juicy, and Wheezy y'all gone be in the back room of the store with big Joe and his niggas. A lil nigga that work for him gone bring y'all in the store with him. Y'all are disguised as strippers. Juicy your main job is to get big Joe in the room by himself. It's a button that I had installed installed on the back of your pants, it's gone send a message telling us to come in. Also when you press it it's not going to make a sound. Shay and Sky I had ole boy to put some guns in the room under the couch soo y'all gone give em a lil lap dance, reach under the couch and grab the gun. Oh and they're silent shooters so when y'all shoot the other niggas ain't gone hear .Ole boy gone help y'all. Me, Darell, and Lele gone already be in the store cause ole boy gone let us in. We don't have to  worry bout people being in the store cause it's gone be closed. We take out the niggas that be watching the room door, and Trell when we take them out.  Lele you're gonna open the backdoor to let the rest of them in. After that we wait on Juicy to push the button. Everyone understand and know their role to play?"

Wheezy: "Quick question. Sooo y'all coming in the same time that we are right?"

Me: "We walking into the store at the same time but y'all gone go into the back room with ole dude because the guards gone be at the door. When y'all get finished with them 5 niggas thats already in there. We're gonna until we get the message telling us to come in and then imma handle the rest."

Wheezy: "Sounds like a plan to me."

Me: "With that being said all y'all need to be on time and ready."

Marco: "When aren't we ready boss?"

After our meeting I left and went to the crib.

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