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Sorry I haven't updated! I've been getting school supplies. NOOOOO!!!! School is already coming...

I hate my life.

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Do you remember that moment where you just can't figure out what you're rapist wants? Or what they want to do that involves you? Yeah, right now I couldn't explain this.

Right now, I saw something I couldn't believe. So, yeah, you know that rapist/ kidnapper, Vince? Weeeeelll...

The people nearby crowded around, some talking and some just watching. I walked in with Blake to 'hell' (high school) and we were just talking.

"So, you know what to do around here, right?" I ask, looking at Blake with a smirk. He nodded and swung his leather bag (that I bought!) back & forth.

"Of course. Christy did show me" Blake says, rolling his eyes. "But, yeah. Hey, look" Blake pointed towards the main hall.

Okay, you know in the movies where something dramatic happens? Like, the bad guy makes eye contact with the good guy & there's dramatic music? Imagine me (someone sexy & has brown hair) & Vince doing that.

We, immediately made eye contact, as soon as I followed Blake's finger, and where it led. I stood still, and time suddenly stopped. Well, not really, but you know what I mean!

"No.." I say, breathlessly, like all the air in my lungs, just got pushed out and left my mouth. "...Why?"

Blake came in front of me, and blocking me. "Okay, what are you doing?" I say, raising my hands to him. He arched an eyebrow at me with a questioning look.

"Protecting... You?" He says, and looked at me with a confused smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Blake, uh, you were the one who actually was kidnapped. I'm the one who protects you, duuuh!" I say.

Blake crossed his arms. "Whatever."

I rolled my eyes, went turned to Vince. He noticed us already. He smiled, and winked. Ew! I glared at him and just didn't understand what was happening.

"Should we..." I looked at Blake as he continued, slowly. ""

I shook my head, fast. "No, idiot! We suppose to ignore him! We, I mean, you have to stay on guard! There is a slight chance that he might kidnap you again!" I say, a bunch of ideas popped in my head, a lot if images of Blake getting pulled by Vince, and killing him.

"Uh-right, right-" Blake looked behind me and his expression changed. "Oh. Hi"

I turned, and was surprised to see Hanna. "Hey..." She says, eyeing Blake and turned to me, showing her white teeth. "Hey, Ocean!"

"Hey" I greeted Hanna. I looked back at Vince and sighed. I had no idea what he wanted but I wasn't going to let him take Blake away again.

"So...Who's he?" Hanna says, walking by my side, and squinting at Vince with a curious look.

"He..." I looked at him and sighed. "..I don't know" I say, frowning. Hanna falled for the lie and nodded.

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