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An other chapter cuz WHY NOT, I AM BORED OF MY OWN DAMN LIFE!


So, enjoy this chapter.

*kisses forhead* I shouldn't have down that. That...that was weird.

Okay, bye.

/ / /

"Shit" Blake says, wide eyed. I stood up, and felt my heart sore by Christy's scared expression.

"What- I - Huh?!" She stuttered. I looked st Blake and panicked. Why the freak did he transform back?! Now we have to tell her the whole thing. uuhhhh! She ain't gonna believe us!

Suddenly, Christy got up, and ran past us, yelling and running as if a killer was chasing her. She ram until she went through a corner and disappeared.

I turned back to Blake. "What the fuck!" I shout, hitting him by the head. He backed away, and rubbed his head. "You idiot! Now she's gonna be freaked out? What if she calls someone, huh?"

Blake shrugged dumbly, still naked. "Blake, where the fuck is you're clothes?" I say, in a irritated tone.

Blake walked towards a tree , grapping his pants and shirt behind the branch. I sighed, ruffling my hair, frustrated.

Blake came out, wearing his outfit and had a blank face. "Okay, now what?" He asked. I look at the direction Christy went out.

"After her, idiot" I say, grapping my bag, including Christy's bag. I swung them to my shoulder and started walking.

"Will you stop calling me an idiot?" Blake says, walking beside me.

"No" I say, flatly. The reason why I was so panicked and mad is because I wasn't sure what Christy was capable of and what she would do to take Blake away from my grisp without me knowing.

Yes, I know that she just told me some things that happened, aw, I feel bad- whatever. I still don't really trust her with Blake or anything. But will she let me explain at least what Blake really is?

Probably not.

/ / /

"Blake!" I shout, rushing my way towards him. He turned and frowned.

"Did you find her?" I say, out of breath. He shook his head. I sighed. "This is pathetic! We've been looking for her for about an hour and thirty minutes!" I shout. Blake flinched but stayed rooted on the floor, his eyes watching me ad I walked back and forth.

"Well, I do have one idea on where she might be" Blake says, looking at me in a blank face.

"Where?" I spat.

"Follow me" he says.

/ / /

"The park?" I asked, my face frowning. Blake nodded and kept walking.

"Why would you think that?" I say, looking down the ground.

"I don't know" Blake shrugged. "It came in mind"

I nodded and looked in front of me, looking around the park.

Swings, slides, monkey bars. It brought back some kind of memory from my past.

"Mommy, mommy!"

"You okay?" I jumped when I felt Blake's touch on my shoulder, and I looked up at him with a blank face. I couldn't quite make eye contact with him, so I looked everywhere except his green eyes.

"Yeah, let's look for Christy already" I say, escaping his grasp and walking in the left, near the swings.

I walked, looking around the playground to see if I could see Christy, probably freaked out with everything.

Suddenly, I see her, sitting, didn't notice my presence and looking down the ground. I stayed still but tried to move my legs.

"Chr-" I stop when she looked up with wide eyes.

"What-?!" She got up, and fell back to the ground, trying to crawl away.

"Listen, Christy" I say, walking towards her slowly.
"No, No! Stop!" Christy shouts, standing up on her wobbly legs. "What are you?! What is Blake?!" She shouts.

"Can I at least explain?" I say. I looked back, making eye contact with Blake who was standing and looking at Christy calmly.

Christy stood still, unsure.

/ / /

"A c-c-cat!!!"

"Shh!!" I say, holding my finger to my mouth. Christy held her mouth closed, wide eyed and seemed scared for a moment. Blake ruffled his hair, and sat silently, looking at the ground.

"But, that...that sounds ridiculous! I mean, that isn't possible! I- I imagined it right?" Christy says, pinching her arm as if she thought she would wake up from her 'nightmare'.

"Christy, I know, it is hard to believe but you have to try and believe it" I say.

"I don't think she'll believe you" Blake says, still looking down the floor, playing with a twig.

"Shush!" I snap, looking back at Blake with a annoyed look. I looked at Christy who seemed s little shocked still.

"Well...why was Blake their at the first place?" Christy quietly asked, her voice sounding like a whisper.

I looked at Blake. He looked up and thought for a moment. "I was just watching you and Ocean because I didn't know what you were going to do with her" He says, looking back at the ground, looking bored. "So, yeah. That's it"

I nodded. I see.

"Well, do I just keep my mouth shut about this?" Christy asked, her forehead wrinkling.

I nodded and so did Blake.

"Uh, so, I'm the only person who knows?" She asked, sitting up from the bench.

"Uh, not quite" I say, looking down the floor with Blake.

"Huh? Who else knows?" Christy asked.

"You know that new kid, Vince?"Blake asked, looking up. Christy nodded slowly then stopped when realization hit her.

"How does he know?"

"Well, my step brother, Jake saw me and Blake talking, so he told Vince and Vince thought Blake could kill me or something. So, the night on Scotts party, Vince captured Blake and I had to resue him. Now, I have to keep an eye on Vince since he is in our school"

Blake nodded, squinting his eyes from the sun.

Christy nodded.

"Somehow, I feel like I should believe you guys" Christy says, looking up from the ground.

My head shot up and I stared at Christy who was smiling kindly.

"Why is that?" Blake chuckled, staring at Christy who got up.

"Because" She looked up the sky and back to us. "You're my friends"

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