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Apparently i am a awesome writer. *smile*

during english, my teacher asked us (the class) to write a draft of our moment of sadness. I would share it to you but my teacher took the paper and turned it in...sooo...yeahh..

but lets get on with the chapter.

(I feel lile i should write a other book. what you think? PLEASE RESPOND OR COMMENT!!!!)



As the cold air swooshes again, i feel my skin crawl as his hands covered my neck. Our lips were inches away, so close to touch. In the corner of my eye, i saw something move.

I wanted to look back and check to see if anyone was their, but the warmth i felt in my stomach was too bad to pass. We moved so slow, like we were stuck on ice, and reaching out for each other.

"Ocean" Blake whispered, sounding breathless. I gotta admit, this wasn't what i was expecting. I thought we would hang out, talk about how crazy our situation was, not make out, and seem like a couple.

I felt his warm minty breath land on my lips. He was almost their. He was close to kissing me, so close to be brushing his lips with mine, and probably make out. The thought of it made my face burn a little but i didn't want to move, i didn't need to.

It happened fast.

The movement in the corner of my eye was moving. Their was something their, something that was stalking me and Blake have our moment. As much as i hated to do it, i pulled away. Blake seemed hurt and confused at first but he noticed what i was alarmed about.

He stood up, and his head immediately snapped towards a blueberry bush near our area. He is a cat, he must have sensed something? I don't know how cat's work, ok?!

(Honestly i dont but i wish i did XD)

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