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As I walked towards my locker, I stopped dead once I saw Blake, his tall figure opening his locker, and seemed to be in a other place. I couldn't figure out why he wanted a fight to began, especially since this was the most part where he needed to explain some things about Olivia.

I haven't realized that I have been standing in the hallway like a idiot, staring strangely at Blake. Once my vision focused again, my mind back to reality, I saw Blake slam his locker shut, and walking a different direction. I felt like I've been punched in the stomach and stabbed me a few times until I was bleeding to death. He was still ignoring me ever since we had the fight.

I couldn't take it anymore. "Ocean?" A familiar voice rang in my ears to the right side. I turned, seeing Scott who had a bright smile on his face. His smile soon disappeared once he saw the dull expression on my face. "Oh. What the matter?" He sounded like he genuinely cared.

I shook off my thoughts and focused on Scott's question and how I was going to answer. But when I opened my mouth, nothing cane out, just words that tumbled down my mouth and not making sense. "I..uh...well - Um, you see...-" I shut my mouth, feeling my cheeks heat up from all the made up words I just said. Scott raised an eyebrow and chuckled a little bit.

"Um...Want to go have lunch with me?" He looked up, his eyes scanning my face. I stayed frozen and looked at Scott. It didn't look like he was making some kind of joke, or anything. He sounded serious, and it scared me because right now, I couldn't find the words to answer him.

"S-Sure!" I say, surprising both Scott and myself. What the hell am I thinking? Was I actually going to eat lunch with Scott, especially since Christy wanted him back? She would definitely get the wrong idea and my brain was about to explode from all the possible ways of how Christy would react.

Once we made our way out the school doors, I noticed that we had passed the cafeteria, inside if it was the students laughing and talking to their friends. I eyed Scott's smirk and stopped short. Once he noticed I stopped, he turned around in a confused stare. "What?"

"Um...The cafeteria is right their. Where are you going?"

"Oh" Scott smirked. "I don't go to the cafeteria. I eat at the corner diner. Besides, the cafeteria they serve their taste like shit" he made a disgusting face as he glanced at the cafeteria. I got to admit, he was right. The meat loaf was filled with hair, and unknown ingredients that the cooking ladies put in. I certainly didn't like eating it so I always starve myself, then rush home at the end of the day, and eat like a pig.

All this time, Scott has been going to the corner diner while I suffered with hunger. A thought struck me though. "Sounds good but, won't we get in trouble? We can't leave campus" My voice sounded disappointed, truly, I was. I thought I'd finally eat some real food during lunch.

Scott shrugged. "So what?" He smiled at my worried expression. "I do it everyday." I felt my jaw drop. No wonder I never saw Scott during lunch. I always expected that he'd eat outside with his friends. " coming or not?"

I looked back at the school, feeling myself calming down. What would happen? Nothing. I looked at Scott. His smirk grew as I eyed him. "Fine".


Once Scott parked, I looked out the window. It was a small building, painted in red and blue. On the top, there was green words spelling, french fries. I jumped out of Scotts truck and walked behind him, staring at his back.

This wasn't so bad.

Relief came over me as the aroma of french fries came towards my nostrils. I breathed in, and a growl came out of my stomach, making my cheeks grow hot. Scott chuckled. He pointed to a table for me to sit in. "I'll order for you" I nodded and went to the booth.

After Scott came back, I felt a little quiet. Scott noticed this too and leaned in his seat. I twitched my lips up, signaling him that I was all right. He didn't buy it but kept his mouth shut.

" is life?" I blurt out, sounding awkward, as always. Scott smirked, his eyebrows rising towards his for head.

"Good." His voice sounded sweet and silky. "Did you eventually find you're boyfriend?" He asked, his smirk disappearing.

"Wait, Wha-"

"Blake, I mean. " His smirk appeared again. "He didn't cheat on you, right?"

"Wait, What?" I ask, again, confused. Scott rolled his eyed.

"C'mon, I know that you're dating him. Just admit it" He said, staring at me. I shook my head fast that I thought it would fall off of my neck.

"I ain't dating him" I say, honestly. A women came over are table, giving us a tray of food that made my eyes widen in excitement.


Scott took a sip of his Pepsi and stared at me, suspiciously. "Are you sure?" He said, smiling. I smile a playful smirk. I nodded and looked down at my food, and started eating my fries.

"Well in that case" Scott started, scooting closer to me. "That means you're single, right?" I nodded slowly, not sure what that meant.

Where's this leading to?

"Well...I was thinking that..." Scott hesitated and looked down at his food. I stood frozen, unsure of what to do.

Run away...

No! My food...

Who cares!!! Just leave before he says what you think he'll say!!!


Do IT!

I sadly looked down at my food, feeling my mouth moisten. I am so sorry, food. I looked at Scott and stood up. He looked at me in surprise. "What?" He asked, getting up as well.

"Um..." I backed away, and laughed nervously. "I think...i'm not hungry anymore" I lied, smiling.

Scott frowned. "What? But we just came here" He said, sounding disappointed. He came towards me. I glanced at my food and sighed.

"Yeah, but I think I should go back" I say. Scott looked down at the floor.

"Alright." Scott shrugged. "Bye" I ran to the door and sighed. I felt like running back and asking what he was going to ask.


by the way....I didn't edit it. ❤

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