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Please enjoy this chapter, i would appreciate it if you would vote & comment.

And i am planning on doing separate stories in this, with different people and different story lines.

Tell me what you think.


I seemed to watch as the girl walked around the house, eyeing everything around her. I felt a sinking feeling deep down, i was feeling unsure about her and her intentions.

I smoothed out my shorts, and looked down the feeling slightly awkward. I heard footsteps. I looked up, seeing Jake holding a ice bag and some left over food that Grace made for dinner. It was early in the morning, maybe 7 or 6. I eyed the perfect color's in the sky, mixing to each other.

Blake also came in, and looked tired like me. I felt tired. Maybe going on a picnic was a bad idea after all. I crossed my arms together, and waited for something to haopen.

"Uh, here" Jake handed the girl a wet clothing, and some ice cubes. I didn't make eye contact with Blake, and Jake. Vince sat across from me, having his hands clasped together.

"...t-thank..." The girls struggled with her words, as if she seemed confused. "...y-you". Her voice was raspy and wild sounding. She grapped the wet cloth from Jakes hand and looked down at it, and looked confused like she didn't know what to do next.

Her voice was high and sounded innocent. Jake seemed to understand that she seemed dazed and confused so he grapped the cloth and started wiping on her head that was halfway covered in dried blood that shined.

After what seemed like weird silence, Vince spoke up in a amused tone, "So, what were you doing lying in a bush?"

I looked over at the girl to see what she would say. Jake looked at her as well, waiting patiently. She thought for a minute and wiped her dark eyes.

After what seemed like forever, Vince spoke again, "Gonna answer anytime soon?" He seemed impatient and eager to know her response.

Jake looked at Vince. "Vince, chill out, she is confused right now. Give her time" He was defending her?

I rolled my eyes. Jake noticed. "What?"

I looked back at him. "Can't we just all say that this is strange?" I stood up. "We don't know if we could even trust her, guys" What was i saying? Why did i have such a rude tone? It rolled out of my mouth, i couldn't control it.

The girl seemes hurt, a little but sat still, and stared down at her ice bag. Jake stood up and stared at me. "It is strange. But can't we at least give her a chance-"

"No". Everyone in the room seemed surprised. Even me. How could i say that? My mouth was forming words that i couldn't quite understand myself.

Jake furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Why not?"
I stood in front of Jake, looking into his brown eyes that shined with irritation. He was growing mad at me, he wanted to shout at me but he didn't.

"Because" i digged into my mind, hoping my brain will make a reason to not trust this girl. I was quiet, staring at Jakes haunting eyes, as he stared at me, waiting.

"Because" i started again, "We just found her,we don't even know her! Besides, why defend her?" I said, and thought back to Blake. "You don't even allow me to be with Blake alone"

"I do that for a reason" Jake says in a deadly tone. "Because Blake is evil" Jake lowered his voice, making it deep and threatening.

"He isn't!"

"He is!"

I felt my whole body shake in anger as Jake stood high, his chest puffed out and ready to shout. "Jake, for the last time, BLAKE IS NOT EVIL!" My voice was like a growl that came from some kind of aggressive lion.

Jake stepped back, and continued to stare at me with astonishment. "Ocean" he seemed speechless.

Blake stepped up and stared at the girl. "Ocean is probably right." I felt myself stay frozen as Blake walked forward to the girl. The girl looked up, her eyes shining.

"Wait a minute!" Vince said, storming over to us. "You guy's know each other! Don't you?" Wasn't it obvious? I had that gut feeling about it ever since Blake and the girl made eye contact.

"We do" The girl says, standing up in shaky legs. "We actually were soulmates" her voice seemed to clear up, and stronger.

"Huh?!" Someone said. That someone was me.

Jake seemed confused like me, and stepped towards both of them. "What do you mean soulmates?"

It was silent. The girl spoke in a voice that didn't sound familiar to me. "We were supposed to get married. Blake is my fiancee"


The end. Jk.

The end of a chapter tho.

What u think? Anywayys i made a new account cuz WHY NOT, plz follow filthybunny thank you byyyeeeee!!!.

Sowwy for the short chapter. .

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