Meeting Austin .

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I'm Austin , I ran away from home when I was 13 , because of my abusive father ,my mothers dead . I have no other family ... Well not that I know of , I haven't been to school in 4 years . If you did the math right ,you'd know i'm 17 now . It's not like any one cares , my dad ... probably still too drunk to even notice I've left , if not I honestly don't care . I'm better off out here than I was  when I was with him . I've been living in an alley way next to a covinent store . I've never really leave unless i'm hungry then i'd go and just hit up to the store . You know get whatever I need , sometime want . Enough for 4 weeks . The cashier doesn't ever notice I guess you could say i'm sneaky . I don't have many friends or buddies, just one his name Jason ,he knows about my living situation . He's actually the complete opposite of me . His family is rich . He said i could call him for anything anytime i wanted but i just .... don't . Atleast not right now .I don't need anyone i'm okay by myself . I survived four years out on the street by myself . I think I can do it again , and again , and again without company . Plus company slows you down . I don't need any distractions for my next move ...

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