Same routine different day .

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Cameron and I have found ,not a home with a roof and secured doors and walls , but a place were we would be by ourselves , it wasn't the best but I mean hey!, we were making it . We would sleep on the grass , well Cam would , I would stay up all night thinking of the next route we would take in the morning , before the sun would come up .

It's been 3 months , we were running out of food , but I wasnt making a big deal out of it cause we still had the four hundred dollars , but it was becoming kind of hard to not walk into a store and buy real food . Like some yummy hamburgers , or pancakes , or hotdogs . Shut up Kc. See what I mean . It was tempting but I knew I had to stay strong for my brother Cameron , even though he's not my real blood brother , I still considered him as my brother . I look down at my lap to see Cam's sleeping figure occupying the space , I ran my fingers through his hair as I watched him , the swollen purple bruise had faded and his busted lip had healed leaving a tiny but noticeable cut on his bottom lip . I couldn't process what all had happened in just a few months , it seemed like since we ran away ..They hadn't even made an attempt to look for us , like they were happy we had left , hell I was happy to be gone . Wasn't the best situation but it was a step up from that . We had been surviving in a public park , there was a pond ,so late night before Cam fell asleep ,I would give him a rinse off in it . But it was only because I didn't want crazy looks from people passing by or playing at the park during the day . That would be ... What's the word? .. Oh ! Embarrassing . I was so tired but I couldnt fall asleep cause maybe some homeless person would try to steal our bags or some strange person would kidnap us . Didn't need that at a time like this .

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