Naked.... ?

127 7 0

Austin .

I had been sleeping when I heard some stupid baby crying , I lazily peeked around the brick wall of the alley and saw it was morning and there was this woman and her baby walking out of the convient store . I growled kind of annoyed the stupid baby woke me i was having a nice dream ... Oh well it is time to go .I stink , literally I haven't showered in weeks .! I picked up my worn out black jansport backpack and started on my way to -well ...where ever I saw satisfaction . I had been walking for at least 30 minutes when I finally saw a park -- and thank goodness a pond ! I fist pumped and jumped up and down like I had just win the lottery . Boy I wish . I started making my way to the pond , when I reached I striped down til I was in nothing and made my way into the pond . The water was so refreshing yet so cold . I left myself sink to my knees which cause the water to reach my chest , the I laid back to go underneath the cold water giving my dirty blonde hair a rinse as well . Literally my hair was so dirty and heavy and stinky . I finally surfaced due to lack of oxygen ,and started making my way out of the pond ,I wasn't too worried about someone seeing me naked cause it was morning no one was here just those people that like to get up and run extra early in the morning . I mean who does that ,works out that early . But whatever . I started pulling up my dirty boxers and the rest of my clothes , when something caught my eye ... A girl... ? not just a girl ... A naked girl ...

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