One on One time .

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Austin .

After that little discussion of affection me and KC had she fell asleep I could tell she was tired the bags under her eyes , the slow movement ..She was always doing something , she would either be up late at night for some strange reason or she would be cleaning the Hotel , or just up entertaining Cameron . She does too much , so since she's apart of my life her and Cameron I wanted to do something nice . While she slept I took Cameron out for the day , tunes out he was really good at football , especially throwing he had a good arm . After we played a game of football with the other kids outside we went to get lunch made sure to bring KC some back, then after lunch we snuck into the transformers movie and I tell you he was so happy to see the cars turn into large Autobots to tell you the truth I was too , after the movie we went to the store and found some large toy cars that you could turn into transformers his favorite was Optimusprime , mine was bubblebee . Big Baby . Whatever . It was a fun day , I also learned he liked to read , so we got some transformer comic books . A whole book series in fact , and then started heading back to the hotel cause it was getting late . "Thank you Austin . I had alot fun today . " Cameron spoke truthfully and after he gave me a hug "You're welcome little man ,but we need to hurry and get home before your sister kicks my butt" He laughed and then said something that caught me off guard and took my breath away . " Do you love Kacey , Austin ?"

Love ..?

"Something like that little man" I said in a daze . "Come on" ...

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