Getting out of your hair .

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KC .

I went to go get our clothes cause Austin had been sleeping along with Cameron , I started folding up Austins clothes and placed them on the table , and took me and Cams clothes and stuffed then in our back and started to get our stuff together . We were leaving , since Austin said he didn't need us it was only right we left him alone . Right ? No you're being stupid. Shut up . I Started walking towards the door when I tripped over Cameron's shoe and fell causing this large ruckus .Why did I have to be so clumsy ? But its a good thing Cameron was a heavy sleeper , Austin not so much . He was starting to wake as I started getting up ignoring his eyes that were following me . "What are you doing ?" he questioned his sleepy voice was just hawt. Yaasss . "Leaving" . I said setting our stuff by the front door and going to wake Cameron . "Why ?" He said sitting up . "You don't need us , remember ? Why we would want to stay around someone who doesn't want to be around us . Or doesn't even want us around, so we'll just get out of you hair ?" I stopped in my tracks looking at him . Tears brimming my eyes . I didn't dare blink I knew if I would they would spill I didn't want to cry in front of him again but I couldn't help it . I watched him as he got up still him only his boxers and walked up in front of me . "I was just upset , I promise I didn't mean it .Look just don't go ,please. " He said looking me in my eyes .. "....please " he whispered again . I nodded my head and was about to walk away when he pulled me into his chest and hugged me but it was a 'thank you ' hug it was a 'if you would've left I would've missed you 'type hug , I couldn't help but hug back just as tightly .

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