Forgivness for a kiss

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KC .

I woke up from a sleep I must have sleep for like 3 hours I felt much better . I went to hop in the shower letting the hot water run on my body then took my shaver  did that , washed my body with the coconut body wash , washed my hair , then stepped out the shower and wrapped my self in my towel then went to my bag and grabbed that shirt Austin took from the laundry room and put in on along with some underwear , I then went to get a bottle of water and took a large gulp when I realized something ... Cameron and Austin were gone . *Spit Take* . I started freaking , I ran to the front door looking both way down the hall then back in the room on the balcony . No where . I wasn't going to go out to the lobby just in case it wasn't that big of a deal so I sat at the end in my bed my foot patting the floor , then I was pacing walking back and forth , the started chewing my nails when the door open and in came Austin and Cameron , Cameron holding a bunch of comic books and toy cars and Austin holding a Mc.Donalds bag with a drink . Both stopped in their tracks when they seen me standing there . Next time I know . I went off "What the hell is your problem you just took my brother without even telling me and you didn't take him for just a few minutes it was hours , what the hell is wrong with !!and Cameron how many times did I tell you not to leave with out letting me know first " . I yelled , I know Cameron was scared but right now I didn't care he shouldn't have just left who knows what could've happened . They both just stood there looking at me looking at them . Then Austin spoke up ," if you're done being overprotective Mom , I can tell you what really happened." I just glared and he took it as a go ahead to continue " You had fell asleep and Cameron was woke , he was going to wake you but I told him how tired you were so we sat for a while bored then I took him to play football with the kids outside and then we went to get some food this is for you by the way it's probably cold but I mean ... Anyways after we ate we went to the movies and saw Transformers , then went to the store and grabbed some toys and comic books ,And then came home . " I looked at Cameron , he nodded . I sighed and apologized "I'm sorry for yelling at you Cameron , I was just scared something had happened . I'm sorry to you to Austin" .

"It's okay Kacey I forgive you ". Cameron said giving me a hug . I hugged back then looked up at Austin "What about you ? Do you forgive me?" I asked

"Hmm , give me a kiss and I'll think about it " he said with a smirk .

"uh no " I joked off

"Then you're not forgiven " he turned his back on me and crossed his arms to his chest .

"Okay fine " .I gave in and walked in front of him .

"I'm waiting " he said patiently . I kissed him , on the cheek . Then winked and walked off with my now cold food .

"Heeyyyy" I heard him complain . I just laughed and sat at the table to eat .

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