Back to Two

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KC .

- Back in the room -

Austin and I walked into our room and I see Cameron on the bed laughing at the cartoon so I went over and joined him sitting crisscross and pulling him onto my lap as we watched the cartoon together for a while . I then peeked over at Austin who was sitting at the kitchen table looking at a paper . I got up and walked over to where he was and peeked over his shoulder it was a blueprint ..... Of the bank .Of course . "You're still going through with it ?" I said taking a seat in a chair next to his and pulled it closer . He just stayed silent . "Austin, we can get the money another way- " He cut me off .

"You expect me to believe that Kacey we can't even get jobs ! What the hell is your problem ?" He spat .

"I-i just don't want you to get in trouble ."

"The only one you need to be worried about is him " he said pointing to a now sleeping Cameron .

"Well I care about you both now . You helped me earlier , you were worried about me the other day .Why can't I help you or worry about you?!" I argue back .

"I don't need you to , I don't need your pity , and I don't need you " . He finished and got up walked to the bathroom and slammed the door causing me to jump .

"I guess it really is just you and me Cameron ..." I whsipered looking over at brother who was sleeping .

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