The blonde boy caught me

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KC .

I woke up early like always then looked over to where Blondie had slept to see him sprawled out on his bed , and then looked down at Cameron to see him cuddled into my lap . I didn't know what to do ,it's been 3 and a half months since we left the house , we were okay for now . I didn't know where to go , what to do , how we would survive off of three hundred and something dollars . But I still had a head on my shoulders that knew wrong from right so we weren't completely hopeless , but still we were homeless orphans . I felt the tears sliding down my face , I knew I was going to have a break down so I gently turned Cam over on his side , and got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom where I broke down as soon as the door shut . I cried ..and cried ... And cried somemore .. Once I calm down , I took a look in the mirror and saw blondie standing behind me.... Wait ?

I turned around to look him in the face kind of still irritated from last nights little conversation . "Have you ever heard of knocking ?" I say wipping tears away . "Well considering the fact I've lived on the streets for four years of my life that doesn't really apply to me anymore " He replied . " What's wrong?" He questioned . "Nothing ,you wouldn't understand anyway" ... I said back walking out of the bathroom but before I could leave he pulled me back "tell me " he ... commanded ? "I'm just worried about my brother , where we're going to go after you leave , we have no one else ... He's only eight , he's n-not supposed to be living like this ,out on the street not going to school , I don't know what t-to do" I burst into tears again , knees became weak and as I was about to fall to the ground  I was  pulled into someone arms ... The blonde boy caught me .

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