The Chase

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KC .

It was morning time now , and Cameron was just now waking up .. "Hey Cam , do me a favor and watch our stuff . If someone comes bothering you ,just holler . I'll be back " he nodded his head still kind of sleepy and i grinned and walked towards the pond ... Stripping my clothes not worried of being spotted because it was morning no one was near . After I finish my rinse I started walking back toward me and Cam's set up , still naked , when I spun around to pick up my dirty clothes I see the blonde boy , he had on boxers and he was staring at me . I didnt waste time to pick up my clothes and cover my naked wet body . I took off toward me and Cam's set up . "Wait ! Wait ! Come back " I heard the blonde boy faint calls and footsteps running behind me . I ran up to Cameron startling him telling him to turn around while I quickly got dress , and started gathering all of our stuff , Cameron was watching my every move while going into a panic attack cause I scared him since I was moving so fast . "Cameron let's go ! " I rushed out . He stood still looking scared . "Cameron now !, " I yelled yanking his arm and taking off with him . As fast as possible , but it wasn't fast enough . The blonde boy had found us and started calling out to me again . But I didn't stop , I ran into the local market and blended into the large crowd , then ducked into one of the aisle .

Looking around frantically trying to see if we had lost the blonde ,the coast was clear . I looked over at Cameron to see he had been crying . I pulled him into my lap and he burst into tears . I rocked side and side , hushing him . When Cameron finally calmed down , we started making our way to a new location .

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