Questions at Midnight .

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KC .

We were just eating and sitting in silence watching TV , and Cam started dozing off so I picked him up from his spot on the floor put him in bed , and took his plate , blondies and mine to the sink to wash them . Blondie had been in the shower . Once I was finished I went back over to the bed and slid in next to Cam's sleeping body , and automatically he curls up into my side , I start to play with his hair when finally the bathroom opens and a half naked Blondie comes out , his lower half wrapped into a towel and his hair wet and body glossly looking due to the fact he hasn't dried off his upper half . I was right about his being in shape , he had a nice body ... Really nice . Lucky there wasn't much light in the room so he couldn't see me staring but I looked away just in case . I watched him climb into bed with nothing but boxers on and cover himself he let out sigh and flipped onto his back with his arms up behind his head , "You've been staring since I came out the bathroom ... Why?" He blurted . "Matter of fact you've been peeping glances at me all day . Do you not trust me or something ?" He said still in his position staring at the ceiling , when he finally turned his head looking at me . "N-no it's just - ""what you've never seen a boy ? " he cut me off . "No ! Its....I don't....I uhmm ... Why are you trying to rob that bank ? I mean what if something goes wrong or like you make a mistake . How...what happens then ? " I say . he stayed quiet for a minute . "Listen sunshine , I been out on these streets for four years . I watched that Bank from opening time to closing I think I know what to do and where to go , so there is no need for you to be worried about me once it's all done I'll have my money , you'll have yours we can go our separate ways " separate ways ? "Separate ways ?" I whispered ... He must heard cause he rose up and propped up on his elbow "You didn't think we were going to rob a bank ,make a successful getaway and fall in love ,did you sunshine ?" I could practically hear smirk on his stupid ... But cute face . I just stayed silent and turned my back towards him . "you did ... " I didn't answer him I was embarrassed .. I felt stupid thinking someone would actually wants us .

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