Best Day In 3 Months

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After our little game this morning the boys went and got ready, a few minutes passed and they came were done looking alike white t-shirts , black jeans and black and white coverse . It was cute .

When they were ready we headed out to the local food market . I was by the freezer looking for ground beef since we were eating burgers tonight , Aha , found it . I took it and turned around to see my two boys holding up cookies and ice cream . I shook my head and gave them disapproving looks . We needed to save money , we were running out . Austin gave me his best puppy dog and along with Cam , I had to give in . "Fine but you're watching him when he becomes sugar high ." I said pointing from Austin to Cameron and they both nodded and High five eachother .

Once we were finished shopping for food we went back to the Hotel and started cooking . Well I did the boys just laid in bed with one arm behind their head and the other resting on their stomachs . "Cam , come set the table " I called out and heard his footsteps coming closer , he grabbed the plates and the toppings , after the food was ready we all sat around the table and started eating . It was a good day . One of the best days Cam and I had in months .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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