Naked ... Again !

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Austin .

We as in Cameron , "Sunshine" (I still don't know her name) and I . We had found a Hotel and I checked us in using fake name rich people names and the 26 dollars I had left . I knew Sunshine had money but she also had a baby brother , I couldn't let her pay she needed as much money as she could get for herself and Cameron . We walked up to room 69 , aha . And started settling in , the first thing I did was drop my bags at the door and leaped onto one of the beds since there were 2 . I was on my way to sleep when Sunshine said something to me . I mentally groaned . "What was that Sunshine ?" I asked slightly annoyed . She blushed at the nickname ... And repeated herself "I said aren't you going to shower first ?" She giggled . " No you go take care of your brother , and yourself while I go and get us some food. "
"Oh okay cool , but here " she said handing me at least 34 dollars , "I don't want you paying for the room and food . Thank you " She said the left to the bathroom ,while I left to get us some food ....

-20 minutes later -

I return with pizza "Honey I'm home" I said opening the door with one hand and closing it with my foot . I look up to see only a clean damp haired Cameron watching TV . "Hey Cameron , where's your sister ? " he looked up at me and pointed towards the restroom . Must be in the shower . I shrug and make my way to the kitchen and grab three plates putting 2 pieces of pizza on each , expect mine I got three . I'm a man , we eat a lot .Hush . I handed Cam his plate and he went back in front the TV . As I was eating I hear the door open i'm guessing it's the restroom door , and a naked Sunshine walks out -- Wait Naked !!!? I quickly look away not wanting to be caught staring . "We've gotta stop meeting like this Sunshine" My eyes fixed on the TV as I take another bite of pizza . "Oh my goodness !! " She jumps "You scared me !" Obviously ."Obviously" I chuckle looking her way as she wraps herself in a forest green towel . Her wet hair flows down her back stopping midway , and is pushed behind her pierced ears . She was beautiful .

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