Trip to the laundry room

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Austin .

I felt bad for Sunshine and her brother , they really didn't deserve this kind of lifestyle . I mean no one does , everyone deserves to be loved and cared for not homeless especially if their own parents are the reason for them being homeless . It was heart aching to watch her break down into tears but I pulled her into my chest and let her cry chest was wet due to the fact I still had no shirt on but at a time like this I didn't care . I know what I said before 'I don't need anyone but myself blah blah blah ' But that was a lie , everyone needed someone ... Including me .

After her little tear heartache session was over , I went out to get us some breakfast . I'm feeling like pancakes , eggs , and pan sausages with a side of orange juice . Yum.

-10 minutes later-

I came back to the Hotel and walked in to see Cameron wrapped in a towel and Sunshine searching through her duffle bag looking for -"....clean clothes " I'm sorry what ? "I'm sorry what ?" I said honestly clueless . "I said we have no clean clothes , I need to go and wash our clothes " she repeated . There was a laundry mat down the hall . But I didn't want her to go by herself , who knows what could happen . "How about we eat first then we could both go to the laundry room together " . I suggested . "Okay" ...

** After eating **
"Orange juice is gross when you have just brushed your teeth , yuck!!" Sunshine complained . I laughed "Trick is , you brush your teeth after drinking OJ . Or drink water before drinking the juice ." I winked then walked off to get my clothes . "You ready ?".. I asked . "uh yeah , hey Cam listen i'm going down the hall , don't open the door for no one . I have my key if I need to get in . Don't open the door for no one", Sunshine told her brother . "okay" He nodded and went back to watching some cartoon that was on TV . As i walked out the room with Sunshine making sure to lock it . Then we made our way to the Laundry room .

"Hey , what is your name ?" I questioned obviously curious .

"I'm Kacey , or literally K.C , doesn't matter , Kacey Felicity Parker... " She said .

"Cool , I'm Moon ... Austin Moon . Austin Monica Moon . To be exact ." I replied . I just told her my middle name .

"Monica ?" She questioned which was followed by a giggle . Of course .

"Yeah , It was my moms name" , I told her . looking at my shoes as we walked .

"That's cute that she named you after her , what was she like ?"

"I don't remember , she died when I was 5 . " I said looking up from my shoes and straight ahead .

"I'm so sorry , I didn't mean-" she was going to apologize but I cut her off .

"Don't , it's ohright , you didn't know its okay . But anyways how did you end up on the street ?" I asked still kind of curious .

Little did he know he cared for Kc and Cameron a but more than he intended to .

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