Dirty .. But Cute

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KC .

I was woken by the sound of a.... bus ? I shook my head slightly and rub the sleep out of my eyes causing my eye to sting because of the dirt .Wow we really need a shower .

I looked down at Cameron and smiled . I do this a lot. He just makes me happy , he's all I have . And i'm almost positive i'm all he has as well , even when we were home we were just as close . I love him . I bent a little and left a light peck on his lips . Sitting there just watching , I got a little bored and just started organizing everying , I went through our clothes folding them up , putting the materialistic things one way our dirty clothes another way , and the food in my duffle bag. I was just finishing when I looked up and saw a sleeping body at the other end of the alley . At least I hope he was sleeping ....

I raised to my feet and slowly started walking to the body . As I got closer I realized it was the boy from yesterday the one who was chasing me . I didn't know whether I was supposed to run , or what . I couldn't move I was ... Frozen . Starstruck maybe . He was so cute , his messy blonde hair pointing different directions , his light peach colored skin , his looked so fit . But he was dirty ,just as dirty as me and Cam , maybe he was homeless too . Maybe he would help us . Maybe he was a serial killer .

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