The Alley

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Cameron and I had been walking for hours when we decided we'd take a break and go buy some food . In the morning we'll go and find a hotel to sleep at and wash our clothes and have a proper shower and meal . We entered the store and I told Cam to get whatever he wanted , "Cam go and get what you want and meet me back here " . "okay Kacey ," he nodded and ran off to the candy aisle. while he was doing that ,I walked around the little corner store and glanced back at the cashier to see he had been paying no attention to me , so I ducked and down and grabbed as much as I could , I took tooth brushes , toothpaste , razors .. Cause I hadn't shaved , body wash I got coconut it was always my favorite I loved coconuts , and I got a little bag of laundry detergent for our clothes , all of that stuffed in my backpack . Then I walked over to the coolers and opened my duffle bag sliding in some juices ,but mostly water , after my "gathering" was done I went to find Cam and he was standing by the front door with candy I shook my head and took his items and placed them up on the counter for the man to scan . " 19.95 please" the man said and and I pulled out one of the hundred and gave it to him waiting for my change . I took a look outside and saw an alley maybe me and Cam could sleep there cause I was too tired to do anymore walking and i'm positive Cam was too . So its settled an alley is our home for tonight . We have officially hit rock bottom . I took my change and quickly walked out the store with Cam hand in mine . We walked through the alley I was happy it had lights they took some of the creepiness away . Me and Cam settled into a not so dirty looking spot and i layed out the old torn worn out blankets for cam , and watched him while he ate some of his candy enjoying it . I smiled at the sight of him devouring the chocolate as I passed him a juice box and then took away the rest of his candy and watched him as he laid his in my lap and covered the rest of his body with the blanket .

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