I Want In ...

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KC .

I ran back to where me and Cam where set up last night , I saw our bags and blankets but no Cameron . I started to freak ... "Cameron ! " I yelled running down the deserted alley with the blonde boy hot on my tail "Cameron!! " I yelled again as I ran out of the alley and into the side only to blinded by the bright morning sunlight . I held my hand up to shield the sun from my eyes . "CAMERON!! " I yelled again as tears started to blur my eyesight , I frantically looked around for my baby brother , only to let out a huge breath of relief when I saw him walking from the bushes . "I had to pee " .Cameron said softly . I let out another breath and bent to down til I was his height . "Cameron don't ever do that again . You should've told me first . Cameron don't just go wondering off that's dangerous !You scared me " I yelled to him . His eyes widened in terror in being shocked . "i'm sorry kc , I won't do it again . I promise " he said looking at his dirty converse . "It's okay , come on " . I said leading him back to where our stuff was . I looked up to see the blonde boy still there with a small smile . I gathered our stuff and walked hand in hand with cameron over to the Blondie . "Ready to go ?" I smiled . The blonde boy gave me a confused look then shook his head . Oh no . My smile dropped . "what ?" I questioned . "you're not coming with me , I have to do stuff . that doesn't involve little kids and shy girls ." he blurted . " oh yeah like what ? " becoming slightly irritated he insulted my little brother . "None of your business sunshine" . He smirked ,probably aware of my irritation . " Oh so it must be something stupid like I don't know robbing a bank " . I snarled back . He stayed silent . My face dropped , lost all emotion . I thought about everything , how if me and cam had a couple of grand we could leave this town and start our new life in another country, better yet travel , Get back in school , have a house ... Everything sounded good . I wanted it . We needed it . I looked Blondie in the face and said to him ...

"I want in ..."

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