Comic Books and Cooties

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Austin .

Cameron and I sat on my bed reading the Comic books he was a really good reader . I was kind of bored so told him let's watch Transformers on TV good thing he agreed I sat him on my lap and he leaned back in to my chest , I looked down at him and smiled a bit the turned my attention back to the TV where we both end up laughing at funny parts of the animated cartoon . It was going good , then I looked over at Kacey who had her eyes on Cameron and myself , I just winked towards her and set my attention back to the TV .

- Morning Time -

I woke up from the sun seeping in through the curtains and hitting my eyes causing the light to distrub my peaceful slumber , when I was adjusted to the light I looked around to see Cameron sprawl out on my bed and I peek over at Kacey bed to see she was gone probably in the shower when she came out wrapped in a towel , she dried off her body and threw on some clean light blue jeans rolled at the end and this white t-shirt that was kind of cut of with her dirty black converse , she looked hot . She left her hair down it had grew at first it was midway down her back now it damn near touch her butt . I liked it . She finally turned around to realized I had been watching her the entire time she blushed "Rise and Shine sweetheart " she said walking over toward the curtain and pulling them open . "Ahh the light!!", I said burying my head under the covers . Then she pulled the covers back giggling , "Get up we have to go to the store to get food" She whispered kneeling down in front of me . "I aunnt gouuuin Noo whhuuree tiuuull yuuu guumee ahh kuss " I said with my head buried into the pillow . "Fine- . I cut her off. "ahh reuul ouunee" .. "You have to look at me first doofus " . I slowly turned my head and before I knew it , her beautiful plump pink lips were on mine ... It felt 100% Fantastic .She slowly started standing up and my hands flew to her hips . The kiss last at least 15 seconds before we were interrupted by Cameron " Yuck she has cooties Austin" .He said making a disgusted face . "Oh yeah" she said crawling over me to get to him . Cameron was backing up until he hit the wall he was trapped , next thing he knew he was begin smothered in kisses , squealing and laughing trying to get away . "A-Austin help me " he squeal. still laughing and begin smothered . I wrapped my arms around kacey waist giving the a little squeeze with cause her to shriek . Then it hit me she was ticklish . I started tickling her sides and she burst into hysterical laughter it was a nice way to start the morning ..

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