Honest truths and stealing clothes

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Kc .

How did I end up on the streets ? Hmm , okay well . "Well , I found out Cameron and I were both adopted , well Cameron was he had papers and all , I had been found . They were abusive to both me and Cam , but mostly Cameron it was disgusting he would go hours without eating and when he'd ask for some food they beat literally punches to the face . It was upsetting I couldnt stand so one night I was on my way when Cameron came knocking at my room door about a bad dream . But I couldn't stay in that house i needed to go and I would be dammed if I left Cam there so I took him with me and here we are 3 months and a half without a proper home . " I ended my story looking up at Austin to see him already looking at me . He stopped and pulled me into another hug . I left out a soft sigh and dug my head deeper into his chest . It felt good . We eventually pulled apart and made our way to the laundry room . I found and empty washer and started stuffing our nasty dirty clothes inside , "what about you ?" I said not taking my attention off what I was doing , "your story, how'd you end up on the street" ..

"Oh ,you know dead mom , abusive drunk dad , no other family , ran away when I was 13 , been our here for 4 years . Do the math right i'm 17 . That's basically it " . He was so blunt . i nodded , while inserting 2.50 into the washing machine before hitting start , I took off the clothes I had already been wearing and dumped them unto the washer as well leaving me in my bra and underwear . I didn't really care because come on 3 months in a public park pond . You get used to it . I looked back at Austin to see him looking at me and shaking his head . "What I needed to wash my clothes ,including those . and you need to do the same so come on start striping " I said clapping at the end . Surprisingly he obeyed and started taking off shirt pants and socks before throwing it all into the washer , I then pressed start and started pouring in the detergent . I was about to walk out of the room when I saw Austin in the dryer of someone else stuff . "Austin , what the hell are you doing ?! " I whisper-shout . "Getting you something to put on you don't think i'm letting you walk out of here like that do you ? " I looked down at my body as if it was nothing and looked back at him " I've been naked in public before " I say as if it were no big deal . "Yeah , before you met me ,now you know me i'm not letting you do it anymore unless I approve and right now .I do not " he spoke . "Since when are you my dad ..? " I let out . He continues looking for whatever he was looking for until he pulled out a large dark blue plain T-shirt . It was large . He handed it to me but I didn't take it . A minute passed when I realized he was serious . I snatched the shirt from him and put in on it was so big but not that long ,well I was tall so it didn't pass my knees . I looked back at Austin "Happy ? " .I said "Very " .He smiled and walked out with me following .

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