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Austin .

I don't know why but when I saw the girl , I started calling after her and then started chasing her . I don't know why probably --because she was naked and I was curious to see if she was okay -- wait what the hell ! We don't care about that girl , she could be a distraction we don't need her around ! Thanks brain . I needed that pepp-talk . I chuckled at the fact I was talking to myself , then went back to thinking about the girl , and started making my way back to my safe spot to start planning for my next big move . On my way back to the alley I see the bank . I start making my towards it , entering the building I felt so out of place , I felt little , I hated that feeling . I started looking around the placements of the cameras , the security guards the doors , the volt , the workers . Memorizing everything every little detail , but that was until one of the tellers walked up to me asking if I needed any help to not make myself seem obvious , I told her I was new in town and needed directions . "Hi , can I help you with something ?" A teller chirped in my face . "Uh..uh yes , I was just making my through town when I got lost , can you give me directions in how to get back to Lakewood Hills ? " I said as politely as I could due to the fact I was annoyed she interrupted my scanning and analyzing . "oh you just take the East 9 highway all the til you meet the inner state and from there you should be okay if you know where you're going " She said nicely . I smiled thanked her and walked out . Stupid people , I chuckled to myself .

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