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"kaitlyn look! look!" 


I grinned really wide in front of her

"practicing my smile, you think i can make friends like this?"

"i guess you will, wendy.. probably" she said walking in front of me.

"oh c'mon, think more seriously!" 

"making friends is important, especially since it's a new school year" I added.

"that may be true, but you shouldn't go out of your way"

"you're wrong! my next three years could be a happy life in heaven, or a miserable life in hell, it'll be a huge difference between them!" 

"life in hell?" she asked.

"i'd rather be dead than have a lonely high school life!" I said cowering at the image in my head of me sitting by myself in a isolated corner watching everyone else socialize. 

kaitlyn sighed.                                                                                                                                                                          "then instead of practicing your smile, how about thinking of things to talk about?"

"oh right, so whats the latest fad?" 

"i'm not so familiar with it, so i can't be much help"

"gee, that'll help me make friends for sure" I groaned as we walked to school.


"yay! we made it! so far so good." I cheered.

"stop being so excited, you weirdo." 

I shut my locker after I pulled out all of my stuff that I needed for my first class, kaitlyn and I began to walk up the stairs towards the upper level.

"well, my classroom is this way" kaitlyn said pointing towards the right side of the hallway. 

"right.." I said in a depressing voice.

kaitlyn must have seen how sad I looked because she pushed me forward towards my classroom after.

"hey, keep your head high!" she said enthusiastically

"you'll make friends with your smile, right?"she smirked.

"of course" I nodded.


the first step to a life in paradise, I thought.

I saw everyone talking about unimportant things, I brushed it off and sat down in a desk at the back of the classroom.

why? why are they already in groups? all of them already were in their own little social groups, I looked like a total loner in the situation.

not good, i've gotta do something..

I suddenly heard a girl set her bag down beside me which caught my attention, I saw a little decoration hanging from her bag, I took my chance.

"aw! that is so cute! that's my favori-" I began before I was cut off.

"oh it's paige" another voice said. so that's what that girls name was, paige, but i wonder who this is as well.

"lynn! Same class, huh?" paige exclaimed.

"been awhile" lynn said.

"how did your graduation trip with your boyfriend go?" paige asked.

"you know what? he bought another foreign car.."

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