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these past few days with michael have been really great, but something was missing and I could tell, I just didn't know what it was, but then I thought to myself, could it be calum?

no, i've made up my mind, and I won't change it again for the likes of him. especially not for calum, never again.

I walked to calum's class and waited for him to finish class, I wanted to end things and officially let myself free of this. I've made up my mind.

"calum" I spoke, as I saw him walking out of his classroom. "you finally came to apologize, huh?" he asked. apologize? for what? I did nothing!

"I came to let you know, i'm done with being a wolf girl" I simply stated. calum's eyes widened, "huh?" he asked. "thanks for everything you've done so far, you don't have to pretend to be my boyfriend anymore, i'm kind of burned-out" I said scratching my head, "also.. i'm over you, calum" I stuttered. 

"I see, then you and I are complete strangers now" he said sticking his hands in his pockets, "yeah, it's greatly appreciated" I said bowing my head, "same here" he chuckled slightly, "well, i'll see ya!" I said walking off.

it felt weird walking home without calum, especially walking our seperate ways. I didn't want to end things between me and calum, but he just wasn't feeling the way I was. why water a flower if it's already dead? I was so stupid.. I wasted all this time.


"wend, wanna eat lunch outside? it's pretty punk rock outside" he said making me chuckle at his use of words. 

"well, it is punk rock, I don't see why not?" I chuckled. I grabbed my lunch and began walking with michael. I could feel the disaproving looks I was getting from paige and lynn, but I didn't care anymore.

"the weather is so amazing! it was a great idea to eat outside mikey!" I exclaimed, he smiled at me softly, "really? i'm glad you like it out here" he said.

I spaced out when I noticed up high was calum's classroom, he had the window seat, I saw him glaring at michael and suddenly he got up and left.

"so wendy I wa-" michael started, he looked towards me and snapped his fingers, "wendy?" he asked, "sorry, I spaced out, I was thinking about why the school building windows are shaped like that, what was it?" I asked. 

"At central station, there's a new place where you can play anything you want for 10 cents per 15 minutes, apparently there is table tennis and karaoke, and all sorts of things" michael started, he had out this little catologue and he was so cute, he was trying to explain and contain his excitement. I knew michael loved playing video games and stuff like this. I did too.

"I've heard of it, I always tell kaitlyn that we should go" I smiled at him. "how about we check it out together today, if you want?" he asked.

"sure! oh, is it okay if I invite kaitlyn? the more the merrier, right?" I asked, "Oh, of course" michael grinned. 


"why do I have to come, too?" kaitlyn groaned. "why not? let's all have fun together!" i insisted while I was slipping my shoes on. "so, where's michael?" she asked.

"he went back to the class, to get his wallet, sounds like he forgets it all the time, he's so carless at times" I chuckled. "looks who's talking" kaitlyn said.

I heard footsteps behind me and automatically knew it was michael, I turned around and smiled, "michael, we've been waiting.." I stopped, it wasn't who I thought it was, it was calum.

"S-sorry, I thought you were.." I stuttered. "are you all right?" kaitlyn asked, she noticed the disheartening look on my face. 

"sorry it took a while! huh, what's going on?" michael asked panting from all the running he did in the halls. "it's nothing, c'mon let's go!" 

we walked to the arcade that michael was talking about, michael was yapping the whole time about how amazing it is. it was his favorite spot to go, I could tell by the way his eyes would light up when he'd talk about it.

"here it comes, michael! brace your ass!" I shouted, michael and I were currently in a ping pong match, and I was determined to win.  "brace my ass for what? i'm not gonna get it kicked, that's yours wend!" he chuckled as he served the ball back to me. "can asses be braced?" I asked, michael and kaityln started to laugh really hard. 

"michael, thanks for asking me out today, I had a great time" I smiled at him, he blushed quickly, "wend,would you like to go out together tomorrow night?" he asked. "this time, just the two of us" he smirked at me. "of course" I nodded. "i'll make some plans, babe" he said making me jump at the use of that nickname. 


michael left the arcade after he asked me out for tomorrow, I was currently walking home with kaitlyn, and she kept giving me a few weird looks.

"hey, wend. you all right?" kaitlyn asked walking behind me, "huh? why?" I asked. "you've been so hyper the whole time, it makes me worried seeing you that way" kaitlyn said. "deep down, you're regretting it, aren't you?" kaitlyn asked. she completely read my thoughts. she knew it, and I couldn't hide it forever.

"kaitlyn, i'm a bird liberated from it's cage, i'm fully enjoying my freedom while I have it, I'm finally free from calum" I said trying to ease her worry. "and i'm no longer under the pressure of having to keep lying" I added.

"you only have yourself to blame for that" kaitlyn chuckled, "I feel a lot less stressed now, I don't regret it, not even a bit" I lied. "what about michael?" Kaitlyn asked. "michael?" I asked. "yeah, are you gonna be with him?" kaitlyn asked.

I stopped in my tracks, "w-well.. i'm not sure about that yet" I stuttered. "wendy" kaitlyn said grabbing my hand, "michael is a nice person and he cares about me a lot, at this point I hope I feel the way I felt for calum towards michael one day" I said. "so you're just sitting on the fence, huh?" kaitlyn asked. I nodded. 

"that's not really an ideal situation, you know well how painful it is to wait forever in anticipation, right?" she asked making my eyes widen. "you should decide as soon as possible without dragging this out" kaitlyn said.

that's right. this isn't so different from what he did, I need to decide what I want to do with michael and fast. 


omg hi guys, been awhile right? DID U MISS ME, BC I MISSED ME. wait, wtf how can i miss myself? idek guys, but it's been awhile.

cal will be back soon, don't worry. she can't be done w him just yet obv. ((-;


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