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"hey wendy, i'm cold. let's go inside somewhere" calum insisted still walking in front of me as we talked about him hating christmas.

"s-sure" I stuttered as I looked up and then back down at the picture we took together on my phone, we looked like an actual couple and I just couldn't believe it. I feel stupid for getting all excited by myself, I shouldn't get upset about every little thing! it doesn't mean its impossible yet. I decided that I wasn't gonna give up hope and would still continue loving him, no matter what. 

As calum was just about to go inside, I was crouched down on the sidewalk holding my stomach tightly with a pained look on my face. "hey, what's wrong?" calum asked walking towards me. "up.." I muttered, "up?" calum asked with a confused look. "upper stomach pain.." I groaned. 

I ended up walking into the nearest diner and sat down with my head laid on the table, I wasn't feeling good at all.. calum was somewhere, I didn't know where exactly because all he told me was that he'd be right back and that I should stay in the diner.  this is awful.

I suddenly heard the sound of a plastic bag being set on the table, I looked up to see calum with a sympathetic look on his face, "here, take some stomach medicine" He said taking off his scarf and sitting across from me. "then rest until you start feeling better" he added. 

"you went all that way to a pharmacy to buy that for me?" I asked with wide eyes. I was surprised he'd even do something like this. "you should be thankful, you made me your damn gofer" he groaned. "thanks, how much do I owe you?" I asked reaching into my bag for my wallet. "that's not necessary" he said. "b-but I feel bad" I muttered. 

"look. when I had a fever, what did you do?" he asked. "Don't make me the only moocher." He added. "thanks" I replied.  I finally reached for the packet and took some of the pills out and took one, calum watched as I did. "having upper stomach pain sounds like an old man" he said. I frowned and rolled my eyes. "I don't know what you're so troubled with" he added.

"hm what's that? If you want me to, i don't mind hearing what you have to say" he said with a cocky smile plastered over his face. no.. he knows everything and is just enjoying it. that's just the way he is. "Okay just one thing, what am I to you?" I asked with clenched fists. "Just a toy to kill time? am I just a convenient dog to please you? is that all? are there any special feelings, even just a little?" I added.

he suddenly smirked with a evil look on his face, "who knows?" he said simply. "If you say that i'll splash water all over your face!" I spat getting the glass of water I had in front of me. "please, just tell me" I pleaded. he suddenly grabbed my hand that held the glass of water, "I love you, wendy" he said causing my heart to beat faster. "you didn't realize that?" he asked with a hint of blush to his cheeks. "I wouldn't be with a girl I dislike, no matter how convenient she is, same goes for a toy, if it's not your favorite, you get tired of it and toss it away" he added making me put the glass of water down.

"i was too embarrassed to tell you, but i've been in love with you the whole time" he suddenly admitted. you've gotta be kidding me.. "really?" I asked with tears spilling out my eyes. calum's eyes widened once he saw me crying. "sorry.. I just never imagined you'd say that, so I'm just so happy" I stuttered rubbing my tears off my face. "I see. I'm sorry I treated you unfairly" he apologized. "its okay, I forgive you calum" I said sitting back down.

"oh, then, I want to spend it with you" I said with a big smile, "you mean, christmas?" he asked with a smile. "yeah!" I cheered. "doing what?" he asked. "just ordinary things" I said. "Ordinary?" he asked again, "you know, eating sweets together and exchanging presents and enjoying the christmas tree" I said. "you're a cheap date, huh?" he chuckled. "it's not appealing to you?" I asked looking down. "all right, with you, it'll be fun to do those things" he said making me blush. "really?" I asked with a hopeful face.

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