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winter break started with a dream-like christmas, we went skating , paid a new year's visit to a cute old shrine, i loved it except there was one little problem..

none of those things actually happened..in fact, I haven't even been able to get a hold of calum ever since he gave me a golden locket for christmas. 

It was the middle of january and it's the beginning of a new term and everyone's nervous and exhausted from getting back to our early morning routine.  I was standing with paige and lynn talking about what we did over winter break but I was mainly looking for calum.

I turned in every direction looking for the pair of dark eyes that I was so used to until I finally spotted them, "calum!" I yelled trying to get his attention. he looked at me immediately as I ran towards him. "good morning calum!"I cheered. "you act like a dog that makes a mad dash for its master" he chuckled. "but I couldn't get a hold of you by phone or text over the winter break!" I groaned. "oh, I was annoyed with spam so I turned my phone off" he said with a shrug. "so mean" I muttered. "I didn't say it was you" he replied.

"oh what?" I asked with a hopeful face, "what? were you crying again for being left alone?" he asked with a smirk, I rolled my eyes, "I didn't cry at all, because i've got this" I said with a smile holding up the locket he gave me for christmas. "now i've got nothing to worry about at all" I said with a smirk.

"how can you be so confident? In other words I can dump you whenever I feel like it and when I do, that thing will serve no purpose" he said walking off into the crowded hallway.

but he does think of me as someone special, right? even though it might be love for a pet rather than romantic feelings, i'll keep trying no matter what, until the day I get promoted from dog to girlfriend.


paige and lynn began talking about what they were going to do with their boyfriends for valentines day and as for me? I was reading through a gossip magazine, i'd rather read this pile of garbage than to hear them bicker on and on about pleasing their boyfriends. 

"how about you, wendy?" they both asked getting my attention, "of course, i'll make chocolate" I said with a small smile playing on my lips.

"seriously? I'm surprised you are even bothering with that!" paige said, "well, I really want to put my heart into it!" I exclaimed with a smirk. "what? you mean the ones at a store have no love in them?" Lynn asked. "no, that's how I personally feel" I insisted. "what are you gonna pick?" paige asked as I was flipping through a catalog for valentines candy.

"um.." a boy said with a stack of books in his hands trying to get our attention, this boy had a long hair swoop and his hair was dyed red, he was very shy and not talkative around others, he only kept to himself so he wouldn't be abother for anyone else. I turned my head around away from paige and lynn's conversation. 

"michael? Did you need something" I asked walking up to him, he jumped when he saw that I noticed him. "I'm a class leader today, the original one isn't here, so here's your notebooks" he said. "Okay, i'll bring all three of ours later" I insisted with a smile. "im sorry, please do" he said walking off into the hallway. I walked back to my desk and sat with paige and lynn.

"how long has michael been there?" lynn asked, "he's gotta speak up if he wants us to notice him" paige said with a bitchy smirk. I wasn't even paying attention because I was too busy thinking about what calum would like for valentines day. 


"whatever kind it is, I've got no interest, I hate sweet stuff" calum said with a cold look on his face, my hopes were killed right after he said that. we were walking home again as usual. "I always have luke eat whatever I'm forced to recieve, its a big pain every year, the most annoying day" calum said casually. what a bummer..I really wanted to make some damn chocolate for him at least. "you holiday moron" calum said looking towards me, he must have noticed my chocolate catalog in my bag. 

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