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it is said that the heart wants what it wants, but is there ever a time where your own heart makes the worst decision ever? you think your heart knows what is best for you, but what if it only wanted worse for you?

when it comes to summer vacation, you've got to have the blue sky, white clouds and the brilliant sunshine that comes along with it is what they all say" I groaned as I was laying on my bed with kaitlyn on the floor in front of my tall mirror.

lynn had sent me a photo of her and her boyfriend at the beach, it was all she could possibly brag about, I was waiting for paige to send me one of course, I mean how could I not expect her to? those two love bragging and rubbing it in my face.

"summer break is almost over" I sighed, "I know" kaitlyn said as she continued reading a gossip magazine. "Lynn is at the beach with her boyfriend, and paige also went out with her boyfriend! but all I've done is sat around at my house" I groaned. "but you have calum, right, Wendy?" she asked. "didn't he invite you to go anywhere?" she added. "nah. I haven't even gotten a single text from him since break started" I sighed. "huh, that's surprising" kaitlyn said. "I had a feeling he'd come up with some excuse to call you?" she asked.

"yeah, I was expecting it, too. like running errands and stuff" I said stretching out on my bed. "abandonment play?" she smirked. "don't call it "play"!" I stated. "after all, we're just superficial boyfriend and girlfriend in front of others" I added. I heard kaitlyn get in bed beside me. she looked at me with a cheerful look, "y'know wendy, are you moping because calum's not giving much attention?" she asked, I started to blush as soon as she asked that. "maybe he won your heart over before you knew it, and you've fallen for him?" she added. "cut it out! why would you say that!?" I yelled. "I'm just joking" she chuckled. "why're you taking it so seriously?" she asked. it wasn't a joke, calum is twisted to the core. there's no way i'm in love with him. no freaking way.

"but there's a chance calum might fall for you, wendy" she insisted as she turned on her back. "huh? that's not gonna happen" I looked over at her. "he simply doesn't need stuff like that" I added. she got up and crossed her legs. "you never know" she smirked. "anyone could have a change of heart, right?" she asked. "likewise for you, it was just recently that you started thinking about romance" she said trying to make me think about it more.

a person calum would fall for? I wonder what she'd be like..


it was finally second term and all of us were back in school, most of us were practically dead when we got back to school, none of us wanted to be there.

"second term already.." paige groaned. "summer break's gone super quick" paige added as she had her head on her desk. "yeah. starting tomorrow, we're back to the regular routine" I said. "souvenir from the beach" lynn said as she walked in with a small bag in her hand as she gave it to paige. "and this one is for you and prince" she said giving me a bag also. "thanks! how was the beach?" I asked. "it was rad, the ocean was super gorgeous, it was crazy hot though" she smiled. "I went to the beach and the pool with my boyfriend too" paige said. "wendy, did you go anywhere with calum?" she asked. "I went to the mountains!" I insisted. speaking of which, I haven't seen calum today either..

I went to his classroom only to find kaitlyn, "oh wendy, could you take something to calum?" she asked as she saw me. "huh? why? you mean, he hasn't come to school?" I asked. "apparently he's got a cold" she replied. "you're kidding? that guy catches a cold?" I asked. no way he can beat a virus. he's human after all. "since i'm class monitor, i'm supposed to do it but i need to make lunch for my little brothers today, do you mind doing it?" she asked holding the stack of papers in front of me.

"I see. all right" I said taking the papers from her. I had trouble finding his place, but after a couple of minutes, I finally found it. I stood outside his door hesitating to knock or just go back home. Well, I have to give him lynn's souvenir anyways. and more importantly, i'm doing this for kaitlyn's favor. I finally decided to knock on the door, as I was waiting I was starting to get nervous. what if his mom or dad answers? how should I introduce myself? it's not like I could just go "hi i'm wendy, i'm pretending to be calum's girlfriend" that definitely won't be a good greeting. i'll just say i'm a friend.

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