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"god can you believe it! he was so stupid! isn't he narrow minded or what?! and yet he always talks down to me! who the hell does he think he is!?! what a poser!" I shouted slamming my cup of coffee on the table. 

michael and I were currently at the cafe near us, he decided to take me there so I could cheer up, but I was obviously beyond that. 

"i'm sorry! I caused this by recieving the chocolate from you, didn't i?" he asked with a hint of guilt in his voice. "no no! it's not your fault, mikey! I still think I did the right thing" I groaned. "actually, i'm  glad he rejected it" I added. mikey frowned, "I'm surprised he did something like that, he seemed so nice" he said blankly. 

"he's far from being nice! he's only nice when he wants something, or if it benefits him! he's always bossy, aarogant, nagging and extremely fucking pyscho!" I yelled.  "He's the type of guy who pleases himself by picking on me, i admit he can be nice often, but I suffer way more" I sighed. "but you still love your boyfriend right? if he treats you that badly, why?" michael asked with wide eyes. 

"yeah..i'm not sure why, that jerk, I wish I could leave him" I said sighing as I laid my head on the table, michael must have noticed a gleam in my eyes, because he frowned once he saw it. why do I continue to love calum, even if i'm always the one suffering? tears started falling from my eyes. 

michael clenched his fists, "wendy? am I not right for you? I know I'm not appealing compared to him, and I can't say I'm better than him, but i'd never make you cry or worry, I fucking swear" he growled, his cheeks were so red and he was flustered. "mikey?" I asked with a worried look. 

michael and I ended up going our seperate ways and going home, michael didn't want to speak to me after his outburst, I decided to leave him be.

he's serious, isn't he?..unlike calum, he's not the type to lie or pretend..he surpsied me, but it was a nice surpise after all,  ever since I fell in love with calum, I didn't even think about looking at another guy.. what would make me happiest?


I was avoiding everyone at school, I didn't want to see anyone, I had to decide what the fuck I was doing, I had heard calum was looking for me from a few people, but at this point, I didn't care. I walked over by the staircase and sat down in a quiet shady spot.

"what did you want to talk about?" I heard a familar voice ask, it was definitely calum, but who was he with?? 

"About wendy" the other voice said with a harsh intimidating tone. it was michael. why was calum micahel talking to calum? 

"do you really love her?" michael asked, "huh?" calum asked, "how I feel about her is none of your business" calum spat. 

"t-then tell me one thing, please. although she's your girlfriend, why do you treat her unfairly just to hurt her?" he asked with clenched fists.

"I'm just being honest with myself, I'm not willingly trying to hurt her" calum scoffed.

"but you're aware of her suffering, right?" michael asked. "Yeah, I got the sense" calum said calmly.

"then, why can't you treat her more kindly? She deserves the fucking world, and you arent giving her any of it" michael growled. 

"who knows? i'm amused when I look at the way she blushes or turns blue from my single word..so weak" calum scoffed.

michael pushed calum to the wall and punched the wall missing calum's face just by a little, "It's become clear to me now, you don't deserve her"

"I love wendy, and I confessed to her yesterday how I felt" michael challenged calum. calum's eyes widened as soon as those words left michael's mouth.

"I'm waiting for her response" michael said with a tight jaw, (((a/n: can jaws be tight? bc if so, thank god))) "I'm not good at a lot of things, But i can definitely be a better man for wendy, you're just an excuse as a man!" michael shouted. 

"suit yourselves, both of you" calum said. what?? did he really just say that?? he's gonna let me go like that?? he doesn't even care about me, I should have fucking known.

"become her boyfriend, and make her happy or whatever. you two make a good couple, good luck with the pure relationship" calum said walking off.

"you really don't love wendy, do you?" michael asked stopping calum.

"A woman like that..was just another way to kill time to begin with" calum said walking off. 

I gripped onto the necklace he gave me, I knew I meant absolutely nothing to calum. he never cared, I know what I should do now..

I need michael..



I MISSED U GUYS, THIS CHAP WAS HOT ASF. omg. i give myself props. tbh.

but read pls and share this w your beautiful muchacho's? bc that'd be hella rad



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