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luke's pov


I was currently at calum's apartment trying to find out what type of girl that he's into, he's such a complicated guy. I never thought it'd be this hard to find out what his type is. every stereotypical guy would literally go on and on about what they want in a girl, but calum was different and a challenge, but I wasn't going to give up on this just yet, I had to do this for wendy.

I was currently showing pictures of random girls to calum to find out what he'd get a feel for, that way wendy would at least get some sort of start on this situation. I had a booklet of random girl to help calum decide. "calum, which of these girls do you like?" I asked.

"get this out of my face, you came here this late to ask stupid questions like that?" calum groaned pushing the booklet out of his face. "come to think of it, I have no idea what your type is" I said changing the subject back on what his type was. "just wanted to know for future reference" I added. calum looked at me with a funny look, "what kind of reference?" he asked. "doesn't matter, just pick already" I said growing impatient. 

he gulped and then randomly pointed to the picture of a woman in glasses with a white blazer on and a notebook in her hand. so he likes the intelligent type? I could see that. "I see, the intellectual one, okay next!" I said. "what can a girl do to make you happy?" I asked getting up in his face.

"now your face is too close, how annoying." he said pushing me. "gotcha. you like a girl who keeps her distance" I said pulling away. "who do you support in soccer?" I asked randomly. "liverpool, duh" he said answering right away.

"what do you prefer on a girl?" I asked trying to find out what he preferred his girlfriends to look like in the future. "with brown hair, of course" he said. "what's your celebrity crush?" I asked. "Katy perry, or halle berry, easy" he said. "favorite color?" I asked again. "blue" he said. 

by the end of the questions, I found out that he was an aquarius, and that he used to have a crush on alicia keys as a kid but now it's been brought back,  and that he loves tea, he always has some kind of animal underwear and his favorite film would be monsters inc. I knew the basics. now I just had to tell wendy. 


wendy's pov

after luke calling me about 40 times, I finally answered and he told me everything there is to know about calum, well what he could find out anyways, but it still was a big help. 

the next day at school, I saw calum at his locker and walked up to say good morning to only have him staring at me weirdly. "good morning, calum" I greeted with a smile, pushing my glasses up. 

the first phase was the intellectual girl, I decided to find a pair of random glasses and try them on to see what calum would think of them.

"what's with that?" calum asked curiously. "well, since it's a new season, I thought I should try being intellectual for a change" I said. calum sent me a glare, "huh" he said. he walked up closer to me, his face only inches away from mine. he suddenly took off my glasses and took a closer look at them. "I knew they were fake" he said smirking. "got a problem?" I asked with a frown. "they don't suit you" he said. "what? how annoying! I don't want to hear that from you!" I groaned. 

suddenly he turned around with a handsome smirk on his face along with the glasses I just had on, "repeat those words, one more time wendy babe" he said scooting closer towards me making me blush. how the hell was he so hot? calum in glasses should be banned. so much disrespect. he walked off leaving me frustrated. 

looks like i'll have to try the next challenge


I got calum and I lunch as I was walking towards the courtyard to meet calum out there, I set his lunch down in front of him and sat the farthest away from him as I possibly could.

"what are you doing?" he asked looking at me. "I just figured we should keep some d-distance" I muttered. "huh. you mean you don't want to get close to me?" he asked. "what?! no it's not like that!" I complained. "what a shame, I felt like petting my stupid dog's head" he said smirking. "what? really?" I asked with a pink shade on my cheeks. "get over yourself, not happening now, mongrel." he said walking off.

I finally caught up to him and grabbed his hand, "calum" I said panting completely out of breath from running up and down the halls, "how about we discuss liverpool, and katy perry and how monsters inc is the best?" I asked with a smile. 

he just sent me another glare and walked off.

I had to figure out something that would make him fall for me, but I was running out of options.


that night, I decided to call luke and try to figure out a new plan for winning over calum's heart, because what we did today wasn't working at all.

"not only did he look at me like he was disgusted with me, but he didn't even want to talk to me after I pulled those stunts!" I whined. 

"doesn't matter. then let's the the "event" i've kept as an ultimate weapon!" luke insisted. "event?" I asked with curiosity. 

"it's a great idea, you'll absolutely love it, just don't screw anything up and it'll work like a charm" luke said hanging up on me.

event? what event could make calum thomas hood fall for me? I don't think anything could make this sadistic boy fall for me, but my heart still had hope. 


ok this is a filler because im sad tonight so yeah 

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