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Calum's POV~

I couldn't stop thinking about wendy and our conversation earlier, I hate her with him. I hate michael or whatever his name is. she was mine and is mine, who gave her permission to go and disobey me like this? 

my mind kept replaying her very words that she told me, "I do want to fall for him!". she only said that because shes still in love with me. she better be in love with me, and only me. not some mr wuss. she needs a man, and michael sure as hell isn't man enough for her.

my phone started vibrating which brought me out my thoughts, it was probably just another girl again trying to confess her feelings to me. I had enough of that, so many girls have tried to come to me ever since wendy and I broke up.

I picked my phone up and heard luke's voice.

"hello" I said calmly.

"hey! what are you doing!" luke yelled into the phone.

"so loud. you're hurting my eardrum-"I tried saying before I was cut off again.

"wendy was with a guy! near the park, they were in a nice mood, what the hell did you-" he said before I quickly cut him off and hung up in anger.

they were on that damn date. I was sick and tired of sitting around and doing nothing, I needed my wolf girl back. 



"that dinner tasted great oh my god!" I chuckled. 

"really?" michael asked.

"yeah, I enjoyed it" I smiled.

"hey wendy, look" he said pointing towards the other side of the street. lights were spread all around the street, the blue reflection bounced off the trees and the cars. it was beautiful.

"oh my god, it's beautiful michael" I smiled.

"yes it is, but nowhere near as beautiful as you, wendy" he said making my cheeks flush red.

"the aquarium was really fun michael" I said switching the subject. "thanks so much, mikey" I smiled at him. 

"I should be the one to thank you" michael said. "I planned all of this for you, but i'm probably enjoying it more" michael smirked.

I lowered my head and frowned. I remembered what kaitlyn told me about how awful it is to wait forever in anticipation. it wasn't right what I was doing but, if I date michael, I won't get hurt. I won't suffer or cry even when things don't go right. 

"michael, I have something important to tell you, so listen" I said clearing my throat. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can return your feelings, after all. i'm not ready at all to end it" I said. michael's eyes widened. 

"I guess i'm still stubbornly in love with him, I really wanted to be in love with you, michael. I wanted to find a new love and move on, but my mind is still stuck on him. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. I was just running away, I was even lying to myself to protect myself. " I choked out.

michael stayed silent.

"quitting being a wolf girl was a big lie in the first place, you care about me sincerely, but i've done an awful thing to you, i'm so stupid, i'm really sorry mikey" I said bowing my head.

"don't worry, if that's how you feel, I confessed my feelings to you knowing that. but will you be okay??.." michael asked with a sad look in his eyes.

he was truly upset, but yet he still worried about me. Michael is a really sweet guy, and I hope that he meets a girl that will truly appreciate it like I do.

"what?" I asked.

"you said you wanted to leave him, wendy" michael said. "if you start looking around, you might forget him eventually" michael added.

I shook my head and sighed, 
"deep down, I think I want to be in love with calum, no matter how painful it is, I don't want to keep lying to myself, so i'm sorry mikey" 

"you don't have to apologize, I run away or become indecisive at times, too. I can't blame you. besides, I kind of knew that somehow" he said with a sad tone.

"michael.." I said.

"although I couldn't become your boyfriend, i'm glad that I fell in love with you, wendy. " he said with a small smile.

"what?" I asked.

"because I fell for you, i've grown to appreciate more things, such as myself and school. so thank you, wendy" he said with a small smile.

"michael.. you're too nice. i'll try my best to make him love me! no matter how long it takes!" I said with a few tears running down my cheeks.

"it might be sooner than you think" michael said as he looked up, I turned around to see calum standing there behind me.

calum walked towards me, my eyes were wide. calum grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his chest. "I'm taking her back, all right?" calum said.

"I hope you cherish her this time" michael said and nodded at calum. calum smiled at him and took me with him as he started to walk off.

calum was walking so fast, and my hand was still in his, not that I was complaining or anything, but he seemed so off. something was bothering him.

"calum.. why?" I asked. "why can't you leave me alone? you couldn't care less if I wasn't around, right? hey!?! why!?" I kept persisting.

"what an annoying mouth" calum said. 

suddenly, calum's other hand was on my head while he brought me closer to him, and put his lips on mine hungrily. I immediatey kissed him back and wrapped my arms around him. he pulled away from me, and bent down to my level, "do you understand now? no more why's" he said.

"I don't understand, it has been rough going with the brutal and heartless way you treat me, you think it's easy to control me by doing that, don't you?" I yelled. 

"I'm not gonna be swayed by you, anymore! just say it straight out!" I yelled.

he crossed his arms and sighed, "I already told you that you were mine" he said.

"that was when you were doing the boyfriend act" I groaned.

"I mean, you aren't just a way to kill time" he said.

"so? which means?" 

"It means, if this society sees this as "love", i guess it is" he said.

as soon as he said that, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and attatched my lips to his. his eyes widened.  I pulled away and nuzzled my head into his chest.

"then, instead of being my fake boyfriend, i'll let you be my real boyfriend." I smiled.

he suddenly pinched my cheek, "ow" I groaned. 

"i'm the one who's letting you, don't get cocky, dog" he said.

"what was that? shouldn't you treat the girl you love more affectionately?"

"this is enough for someone like you"

"that's so not punk rock of you" I said.


wow double update bc i haven't updated this in a while.




my heart hurts omg.  I don't see how he didn't get any girls in school?? he's so freaking adorable and is a baby kitten.


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