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it was currently lunch time, and I had a meeting with calum in the courtyard, so I was speed walking through the hallways holding my muffins I made for cal. I ran past one of the benches spotting a red haired boy on the bench all by himself. "mikey?" I asked catching his attention. 

"Are you okay? you look pale" I asked with worry on my face, "oh I look pale a whole lot, so don't worry" he said standing up from the bench. "are you sure?" I asked, he nodded his head with a sheepish smile. "oh, chocolate? did you make it?" he asked with interest in his voice. "are you giving it to your boyfriend?" he asked with a curious look. "Yeah, this was what I had to do yesterday" I said returning a smile.

"I see, I hope he'll like it" michael said before he suddenly put his head down looking sort of sad, he looked lonely as well to be quite honest. I felt bad for michael, but I wasn't talking to him because of pity, I was talking to him because hes actually a pretty nice guy if you get to know him. michael isn't known for being cocky and loud like the rest of the guys that go to my school, he doesn't have much confidence, he's insecure about a lot of things, and i always have tried to make him feel like he isn't alone. 

"mikey? whats wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"oh, umm. it's just that valentines day always makes me feel down" he muttered while fidgeting with his hands. "really, why don't you smile more? that smile is something to be treasured." I said trying to boost his confidence. in all defense, his smile actually is the best thing ever. 

"Oh i'm not exactly feeling down about my looks, my mom gets overly bummed when I don't bring chocolate home, it breaks my heart to see her worry about me, but it gets to be a pain in the ass" he chuckled trying to change the mood. 

I looked down at the bag of chocolate muffins I had, it's not a problem to give out of obligation, right? it shouldn't be a problem, I hope? 

"well good luck with that, wend" he said beginning to walk off, I interrupted him by grabbing his hand, "hold on!" I said reaching into my bag to get one of the muffins, "here, now your mom can calm down about it" I said offering him one. his eyes widened, "t-that's okay, I didn't mean to..besides that's for your boyfriend" he said stuttering. "I've got plenty, so no worries!" I said lifting up the bag. 

"Just keep it okay?" I asked pushing the muffin to him, he looked up at me to reveal his pink cheeks, they blended in with his red hair, it was sorta cute actually.. "I'm sorry, thank you" he said with a smile. "i've gotta go meet him now, see ya mikey" I said running off, but before I could get any farther I turned my head to see one last glance of him, he was hugging the muffin to his chest with a soft smile on his face.


when I got to the meeting place, calum wasn't here just yet, I sat on the bench waiting for him to show up at any minute. I looked down at my bag and then looked back up to see calum towering over me with a sexy smirk playing on his lips.

"calum, you're late. lunch is almost over" I groaned moving over signaling him to sit down next to me, "I still came, don't complain" he scoffed sitting down. "well, let's get to it, here!" I said giving him the muffin, his eyes shot open, "it's coffee flavored chocolate, it's not sweet so I think you'll like it" I said with a big grin. 

"huh? so you worked hard to make these.. for me right?" he asked, he suddenly threw the muffin to the ground. "I don't want this garbage" he said standing up. "wait a second! why? you said you'd eat them! liar!" I shouted trying to catch up to him. "I made sure they tasted good!" I yelled.

"I don't care how they taste, i'd rather be dead than eat this disgusting stuff" he said pushing my bag to the ground. "what's that supposed to mean?"I asked picking up my bag. "you gave one to that clifford guy, didn't you?" he asked with a disgusted look. "there's a reason for that!" I growled. "It was nothing but a obligation, you're the only one i'm giving with love" I said standing back up.

"I don't give a damn about that, you lumped me in with that little wuss" he groaned. "wait what?" I scoffed. "I just don't like that type, guys like that are cowards who can't find the guts to hit on women, don't even relate me to a guy like that" he spat. I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now, those nasty words coming from his handsome mouth. (a/n:can a mouth be handsome? I hope so idek)

"I don't like your tone" I said with a angered face, "huh?" he asked, "what do you know about michael anyways! he certainly isn't showy on the surface and is a little timid, but unlinke you, he'd never look down on anyone! he's considerate of others, in that sense he's a far better person than you are!" I yelled with clenched fists. 

calum hasn't said anything at all, there was a intense silence between us, and it definitely wasn't a comfortable one. he kept grinding his teeth in anger, which made his jaw pop out, he suddenly just turned his back and started to walk off, "I see, you'd better ask him to do the boyfriend act then, if he's so kind, i'm sure he'll be happy to" he said waving at me. 

I was having a good time so far today.. how did this happen? is it my fault?..


"wend!" michael shouted which brought me back to reality, I didn't realize what I was doing until michael caught me before I fell down a flight of stairs. "be careful and watch where you're going" he said with a hint of worry in his voice. "sorry..oh it's already after class" I noticed suddenly all the people walking home. "wend, you've been out of it all afternoon, is anything wrong?" he asked wrapping his arms around me. "if you want me to, i'll listen" he muttered into my ear. I pulled away and smiled, "i'm okay, sorry I troubled you" I said as I was just about to walk down the stairs, "It's no trouble" he said making me halt. 

"I might only be able to say something cliche, but I want to make you feel better, I just want to be here for you, wend" he said with a soft look. "you're so cool, mikey" I choked out with tears running down my cheeks. "I hate valentine's day.." I muttered before michael hugged me again.


Calum's pov **

"Are you a demon or what?" luke groaned at me, we were both at my apartment, luke was doing his yearly job by eating all the other chocolates I got from love drunk girls. 

"go apologize to wendy, you dumbass" he insisted. "why should I?" I asked with a harsh tone. "she must have a reason for giving him chocolate, did you ask her why?" luke asked shoving another chocolate in his mouth. "does that matter? It still pissed me off" I groaned. "your jealousy is embarrassing, calum" luke sighed. "who said I was jealous?" I asked brushing off that thought of me being jealous, that's so pathetic. "how am I supposed to stay calm when my pet dog messes with  me?" I scoffed.

"you know.. you probably think wendy would never leave you, so you totally take her for granted, and assume she would come after you no matter how badly you treat her, you're not the only man in the world, you know. if you keep acting this way, wendy will eventually leave you for another guy" he said bringing me back to reality.

I brushed the thought of her leaving me off, "then i'll lose one of the way I kill time, it's as simple as that" I said blankly. luke rolled his eyes at me, "you're hopeless, dude" he said.


wow. i actually updated, which has taken ages if u guys haven't noticed. 

I apologize, i've been sad lately and school(hell) has been time consuming.


okay bye im embarassing myself. kms. 


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