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as the months began to roll around and unwind, calum and I have been the same way with each other, luke still visits and hangs out at calums place and we'd end up watching movies with luke since calum wouldn't want to cuddle me, of course.

christmas was right around the corner and I was super excited about it, everyone in school was talking about their christmas plans, which made me wonder whether or not i'd have plans as well.

it was the middle of my first class of the day and I was in another world while paige and lynn were talking about what they are doing with their boyfriends for christmas. I tried to look like i was interested but I really just wasn't. bragging about their boyfriends as usual, it used to annoy me a little but now i'm simply jealous. 

"what's the issue, wendy? having issues with calum?" paige asked me bringing me back to the real world, "huh? why do you say that?" I asked. "cause you normally butt in on us" paige said. "well..um.." I muttered. "you have no plans for christmas with calum?" lynn asked. "o-of course I do" I lied. "like we'll eat some sweets and exchange presents" I said trying to give an example. "that's so boring! soounds nothing like calum" paige said. "how bland" lynn smirked. jesus tough crowd here..

"ooh I know! why don't we exchange our christmas date photos?" paige asked, "good idea, let's do it" lynn insisted. "send us one, too wendy" lynn added. I froze up, how was I going to do that? I have to find time to do that and plus there's no way calum would take a picture with me. "don't send any naughty ones lynn" paige groaned. "huh? no way i'd send them" lynn chuckled. 

I quickly got up and walked to the bathroom to meet kaitlyn since she's not in the same class me this year. 

"what should I do, kaitlyn?" I asked with worry on my face after telling her everything going on in the situation.

"putting that aside, why in the bathroom?" she asked. "I figured I should go back to basics" I said with a sly smile. "what? you seem to have gotten stuck" kaitlyn said. "oh that reminds me, you had that friend of calum's help you, right? why not ask him for help again?" she asked. "that won't work! luke's a really nice person, and he helps me no matter what, and calum is such a warped person and tough to persuade, there's nothing he can do!" I shouted tensing up. 

"all right, I get it, relax" kaitlyn said calming me down. "i've tried all sorts of things, but I have no clue how calum feels" I said. "well, what do YOU want to do with calum for christmas?" she asked. "well.. i'm not looking to do anything special, something typical like eating sweets and just simply being together" I said getting nervous. "then, why not tell calum what you just said?" she asked.

"since you've already told him how you feel, just ask him out without hesitation, you are aiming to be a non-wolf girl, right?" she asked. i sometimes thank god for kaitlyn, because I could never figure out things as simple as she does.

as I walked back to class, I saw calum standing outside of my classroom rubbing his hands together and putting them in front of his face. I really want to spend christmas with him. "they should really install heaters in the halls" he complained. I went in class and got my stuff as class was coming to an end. we started to walk home.

"isn't it terrible the moment you step out of the classroom?" I asked wrapping my arms around myself, I was terribly cold from the weather being so frigid. "it's almost christmas, huh?" I asked trying to start my question. "yeah, so?" he said coldly. that tone of his voice sounded more harsh than usual..

"you don't really like it?" I asked with curiosity. "christmas is crap, I don't understand what all the fuss is about" he said coldly. I don't understand how anyone could hate christmas?!?! it's the best holiday. It's not the best just because of the presents but because of the traditions and the beautiful christmas tree's every year. "morons are manipulated by businesses, everywhere is packed with people, and you end up hearing the same song on tv and all over the town, can't it be fixed somehow?" he spat. 

"ultimately, your only option is to sit at home watching movies" he added. he see's it like an unpopular guy, he absolutely hates it, I don't think i've met anyone who hated christmas. "so, what were you saying about christmas?" he asked returning to his nice guy image.  "nothing-g" I muttered. how could I ask him out after he said stuff like that? oh well.. i didn't really have high hopes from the beginning. 

suddenly, I remembered what paige and lynn were asking me, the photos.. I've gotta find some way for calum to cooperate with me. "going out of your way to make an alibi, huh?" he asked as I was dragging him downtown with me. "I doubt they give a damn about your photo, they just want to show off their own" he added. 

"but still, i can't ignore it, I already promised" I said trying to convince him to work with me on this situation. "I guess it'd be pitiful if you were the only one without a photo" he said. "women are such a pain" he groaned.  no matter what he says, he still keeps me company

"sir, would you like to buy a present for your girlfriend? this one's very popular with the girls" a sale associate tried convincing calum. "no, thank you I have a more luxurious one prepared" he said walking faster in front of me causing me to catch up. "what a cynical way of refusing" I said, "those people will be pushy unless you shut them up, I just don't get the point of giving presents on christmas" he said. "it's just someone's birthday, right?" he asked.

"so what? as long as it's fun, you don't need a reason" I said smiling at the thought of how happy people usually are when it comes to christmas. "then, maybe i'll buy you something, too" he said smirking. my eyes widened, "what is it? what will you get me?" I asked getting eager.  "let's see.." he said coming up with an idea.

"how bout a collar? I'll throw in a leash as well, and walk you every morning, would you like that?" he asked with a evil grin. "I want it!" I said smirking back, "you sure you can? I want you to walk me every morning" I said. "it's a joke, you mutt" he said walking faster. "it's a joke? It's just getting something from someone you love is great, anything from you makes me happy and i'd treasure it" I said. "I'm not sure if women are just complicated or simple" he added. we finally got to the middle of the whole downtown square and a beautiful tall christmas tree was standing in it. "is this what you wanted? the giant tree?" he asked.

"the huge star at the top is so lame" he chuckled. "what? it's so cute" I groaned at him, "let's just take a photo and get out of here" he said walking towards the tree. "are we getting the tree in the background?" calum asked as I was getting to the camera on my phone. "what are you doing, just take it already" he complained as he got closer to me to pose for the picture. "it's hard to take it, when I have my other arm around you" I sighed. "jeez, let me do it" he said taking my phone from me. his face inched closer to mine, and put his arm around me. "c'mon smile" he said making me smile for the picture as he took it.

"yeah this will do, we got the tree in the background" he said moving away from me. "here" he said giving me my phone back. I looked at the photo he took and I couldn't help but smile, we actually looked like a real couple.  my face was twitching, i looked so weird. how embarrassing, calum looks perfect, though. 

I wonder if he'll ever smile like that for me..


ok but seriously though

who the hell hates christmas like its such a great holiday

cal ur such a stuck up fuckboy damn but i love u still

its ok cal, we got chu. 

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