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it was the currently the next day after luke and I talked on the phone about how our original plan didn't work with calum

luke said he had a plan, a event rather, but I on the other hand was curious as to what tricks he had up his sleeve

luke invited us to his school for the day, apparently there was a festival going on and all the classes had small things they had planned for all the visitors. I practically had to beg calum to go since he's such a hard person to persuade.

"hey! glad you two love birds could make it!" luke greeted running up from behind us, "you kept bugging us to come, what the hell is with that outfit?" calum asked looking at luke in a pink apron.

"isn't it obvious? i'm helping the guys do a cafe, and it's actually pretty fun, dude" luke said smiling at calum.

luke had shown us around and told us what all the events were, there was a cafe, a therapist session, a fortune teller, and a little club with music playing in the background. it was all so impressive.

luke finally stopped which caused us to stop behind him, we both saw a giant sign that read "haunted house" and i automatically knew where this was going. "the highlight of our festival is the haunted house, don't miss it okay?" luke said and then he pointed to something down the hall to distract calum. luke inched towards me and whispered into my ear, "look wendy, act scared with all your might" I furrowed my eyebrows, "what? you want me to play a frail girl? i doubt that would work on calum" I replied. "you're wrong, the moment a man falls for a woman is when he feels a firm sense of mission, when he realizes that he must protect his girl, he'll cherish her with all his heart" luke lectured. I gave him a doubtful look, "don't worry, this is gonna work!" luke added with a pat on my back.

once we were in the haunted house, I started to scream at every little thing just so calum would fall for this plan of lukes, but I wasn't actually scared of anything in the haunted house to be quite honest, I love horror movies and a lot of gory stuff like this, but this haunted house was nothing.  "ah! a condemned soul!" I shrieked. there was a small glowing ball hanging from something, and I decided to start the plan. "you can see the fishing pole" calum groaned.

"those things just moved!" I screamed, "the stagehands are so visible" calum chuckled. calum started walking faster infront of me causing me to stop, "calum! don't leave me behind!" I begged. he turned his head to face me, "fine. i'll let you have an arm  if you want " he groaned. huh? wait was it working..? "hurry up" i heard calum say. "s-sure thanks.." I muttered running up to him. I immediately grabbed the closest thing to me which felt like a hand, except it was hard and cold, I lifted it up to see a skeleton hand. calum smirked once he saw my pissed expression.

calum you little shit.


after the haunted house and the festival, luke and I decided to get coffee at the cafe down the street from his school.

"that's definitely calum for ya" luke started chuckling. I sighed and started stomping my feet, "this isn't the time to be laughing" I groaned. "I know, i'm sure it'll work out somehow" luke reassured me. "so what should we try next?" luke asked. I started to realize what an amazing person luke was, he was helping me throughout all of this, nobody else in their right mind would help me out in this situation. "you're such a nice person, luke" I muttered catching his attention.

"huh?" he asked, "honestly, i didn't expect  you'd help me this much" I confessed to him, he smiled at me, "is that right? It's because you're trying so hard, seeing you try so hard makes me want to root for you, i love someone like you, wendy, who tries hard" he said making my eyes widen. "aw thanks" i said with red cheeks.

luke noticed the blush on my cheeks and tensed, "huh? oh no! i didn't mean love in that way!" he started reassuring me. "it's okay, I know" I chuckled. "hey what do you call a broken pencil?" he all the sudden started, "what?" I asked with a smirk, "I guess you could say its pointless" he said making me laugh, it was such a horrible joke but it was so horrible that it was funny.

"you're so funny, luke" I chuckled rubbing my eyes, "huh? I am?" he asked, I stood up and put my hands on the table, "yeah, I feel better, alright let's think of a new strategy!" I said cheering. "that's right! let's definitely get him this time!" luke said enthusiastically. "we can do it" I said walking out the cafe.


I tried every little thing you could think of, cuddling on his couch, cooking him stuff, wearing cute stuff around him to get his attention(which I didn't), I think we even tried hypnotizing him into loving me.  none of it worked on calum. luke and I were beginning to run out things to do to him, we ran out of ideas completely. 

"any more ideas?" luke asked sitting down next to me, "no, i'm honestly starting to think calum is just out of my league" I said pulling my legs to my chest as I crossed my arms around them, "how can you be so negative? you haven't seen anything yet, if you give up, it's over!" he said trying to give me motivation. "i'll stick with you to the end, so hang in there!" he added making me smile at him. "you're right, luke" I said, "that's the spirit" he said.

"well if i have the time to be bummed, i shou-" I tried saying but was suddenly interrupted by the tears running down my cheeks, "huh? oh sorry, I don't know why im crying, i bet i look pathetic" I stuttered rubbing the tears out of my eyes. "you look fine" luke said, "you sure?" I asked. he ended up cheering me up and hugging him really tight.


it was currently in the middle of the night and I couldn't focus or sleep for anything, I heard my phone go off, I checked to see a message from luke telling me to meet him at the park near my house. I quickly slipped on my shoes and ran towards the park.

when I got there, It was completely dark out and I couldn't see a thing until I saw calum's tall figure standing there looking at his phone, "calum, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously. "luke asked me to come" he replied. what? he asked calum too?

"wendy, luke" luke said walking up towards us both. "sorry I asked you to come so late" he added, "it's fine, but what gives?" I asked. "what did you want to tell us?" calum asked. luke clenched his jaw and looked down towards the pavement, "calum, i'm sorry" luke said. "for what?" calum asked. "i've fallen for wendy" he said. as soon as those words escaped his mouth, my eyes went wide. "what?" I asked.

"I totally understand wendy feels, but she doesn't deserve such a painful hardship pursuing you" luke said through gritted teeth, "I'd never make her cry, i'd treat her preciously, would it be okay calum, if I took wendy?" luke asked. calum was completely calm and collected unlike me, my hands were shaking and my knee's were about to give out.

I looked towards calum to wait for his answer, suddenly he pulled a evil smirk, "suit yourself" he scoffed. my face softened, I was upset that he'd give me up that easily, he wouldn't fight for me. I wanted him to fight for me. "you.." luke growled. "I see, I got your point" I interrupted them.

"you wouldn't miss me a bit if i wasn't around, I don't mean anything to you, i'm nothing but a toy for you play with when you are bored" I said with tears spilling. I looked at him, "you asshole, calum!" I shouted running off towards my house. I couldn't hear any more words from calum, I couldn't be around him at all right now.


ooh calum u ass wtf

ur supposed to be a prince wtf im confused 

hi guys omg, this was my first week of school and it was exhausting omg

but anyways im gonna double update bc im bored and its currently 3am so woo


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