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It was the next day at school, that I finally saw calum. he was finally well enough to come to school and participate. I was so relieved when I saw his face. I was worried that he wouldn't show up to school again.

"morning, dog" he grumbled as he came towards me as I was putting my stuff up in my locker, "w-what?" I muttered. "I said good morning" he sighed. "I'm sorry, I was o-out of i-it" I mumbled. I can't even look him in the face. "did you catch my cold?" he asked as his face inched closer to mine adding a slight shade of pink to my cheeks. "i'm fine! i don't have a fever, don't worry" I said trying to reassure him. "huh? who said I was worried?" he smirked. "isn't it a dog's duty to risk it's life and serve the master?" he asked putting his bag over his back. "see ya. stop spacing out" he said walking off. he really gets on my nerves, holy shit. 

when I was walking to my class, I saw everyone greeting calum as usual, all the girls would swoon and would wish him a good morning, and of course he'd play the prince charming and act all nice towards all of them. he may be a horrible person in general, but he's a damn good actor, i'll give him that. everyone's being fooled. a jerk like that.. no way i'd go for it.. is what I thought.


"y'know, why don't you admit it already?" kaitlyn asked me with wide eyes. we were currently sitting in the courtyard taking a break from classes, she was trying to lecture me on love again.

"what are you talking about?" i asked. "you're in love with calum hood, right?" she asked again. I couldn't even look at her directly. I kept having to look down at the ground the whole entire time. "I am.. I guess.." I stuttered. "good for you, now you've got someone you're in love with" she cheered. I put my hands on my head, "b-but isn't it embarrassing?!" I shouted. "after having said all those nasty things about him!" I added.

she chuckled, "that's just the way it is, you have no control over who you fall in love with, the heart doesn't always work the way you expect" she pat my head. boy was she right. "you should just follow your honest feelings, that'll make you happier, i bet" she added. "you're right! I guess you're right!" I shouted. "you can do it. i'm rooting for you" she said encouraging me. I felt a whole lot better after what she said.


but kaitlyn, what should I do in this situation? I wonder if I should confess my feelings or something?otherwise, in spite of being fake, we could stay as a couple.. 

"hey" calum said breaking me from my thoughts as he grabbed my cheek, "don't let your mind wander when you're with me" he demanded. "are you needy for attention?" I asked with a smirk on my face. suddenly, a dog came running up to calum as we were walking home again. we both looked down at the cute puppy dog."muke! come back here!" (a/n: sorry im muke asf so thats the dogs name, take it or leave it yo.) "i'm sorry, sweetie" a woman said running up to us. calum smiled at the woman, "no problem" he said. "he's cute, may I pet him?" he asked. "sure! sure! go ahead and pet him" she insisted. 

he did mention he likes dogs, didn't he? he looked so god damn cute when he was around dogs, I didn't understand how anyone could look this cute around dogs, what's up with his excessively nice smile? and that's not his "prince act" is it? he does really love them.. he suddenly caught me looking at him, and gave me a look.

"what? you want me to pet you, too?" he gave me a glare. "huh? don't be ridiculous! what makes you say that?" I yelled. "that's what's written all over your face" he smirked. you've got to be kidding, did I really look like that? I put both of my hands on my red cheeks. but he might be right, I was thinking that I wanted him to smile like that when he's with me, too.. "Jeez, he shed on me" calum groaned wiping off his shirt.

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