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it was the next day after I told calum my feelings for him, I couldn't sleep at all that night. his smirk and that stupid glow in his eyes was stuck in my brain, I couldn't stop imagining what he would do when he saw me the next day.

"give me a break, kaitlyn" I groaned with sleepy eyes. 

"how can you still love him when he treats you like that?" she asked sighing at the vision of me laying my head on my desk.

"how should I know? I want someone to tell me instead!" I yelled. "so what are you gonna do from now on?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Now that I have to stick with it, there's only one option, I need to work my tail off to win his cold black heart" I grumbled. "let's aim for non-wolf girl!" I cheered. kaitlyn looked at me with a shocked look on her face.

"wendy..you're.." she trailed. she put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me, "you're a natural masochist to the core" she smirked. "can you say that I have a strong will-power instead?" I complained. "so kaitlyn.." I started.

she put her hand in my face, "don't count on me, i've never really talked to calum, so I can't be any help" she insisted. my face suddenly sank, "I don't feel I can conquer that sourpuss on my own" I moaned. "there must be someone out there who know calum's weak point or tons of embarrassing stories about him" I said with an evil smirk. "oh god help us now" kaitlyn said.


I was currently walking home with calum again, we do this almost every single day and I was now used to him walking me home, I mean it feels weird to walk home alone now considering on how much we do this every single day.

there's gotta be someone who knows some dirt on calum, I mean he does play the prince role pretty well, so he's bound to have some sorta friend right? I guess there isn't anyone like that..maybe I jumped the gun and confessed to him? how should I entice someone who turned out to be so fearless?

suddenly I heard a voice yell, "watch out!" calum pulled back to where the flying object would hit my face instead of his. of course. the object turned out to be a soccer ball.

"why couldn't you dodge that?" calum asked looking at me while I was on the ground clutching my face in pain. "you all right?" the voice asked. "sorry! i'm the one who kicked that, my apologies." the voice said again. 

he came walking up to us, "I just got too excited!" he said pleading for forgiveness. suddenly calum hit him upside his head, "calum you didn't have to go that far!" I gasped. "no, he's got every right to be upset when someone hurts his girl" the guy said. "go ahead and hit me as much as you want" he said revealing his toned abs. "how long will you be doing this, luke?" calum asked.

"huh?" luke asked. "oh! calum , it's you!" he said recognizing him. "took you long to realize, idiot" calum chuckled. "huh? you know each other?" I asked.  


we were now currently in a small cafe that was located on the corner, and it had barely anyone in it which made it perfect to talk in.

"well i'm really sorry about before, I never would have that it was your girlfriend that I hit" luke said looking at calum and I apologetically. 

"no, she's not my girlfriend" calum mumbled, earning a evil glare from me. "don't be a stranger" luke insisted patting his shoulder. "when you get a girlfriend, you've gotta tell your best friend right away!" he added.

"that hurts, idiot. you really are a muscle head" calum said getting luke's hand off his shoulder. is this a dream or a delusion? calum's joking around with another guy? suddenly luke smiled at me warmly.

"hello, i'm luke hemming. great to meet you!" he said introducing himself to me officially. he was obviously way nicer than calum ever was. "oh, i'm wendy ryder" I said with a grin on my face.

"are you two childhood friends?" I asked out of curiosity. luke put both of his arms behind of his back, "nah, we've known each other since jr. high school" he smirked. "we still hang out from time to time, we just ended up in different high schools" he added. "a school with all guys is just smothering" calum scoffed. "that's the fun part, but if you came to my school, you probably wouldn't have met your pretty girlfriend" luke smirked at me.

"if calum ever makes you cry, let me know" luke said clenching his right fist. "i'll kick his butt" luke said with a playful grin. "as always, he never listens to anyone" calum said sighing into his hand. 

luke could be my savior, this could work. what am i talking about? could? THIS WILL WORK OH MY GOD. 

calum got up and went to the bathroom real quick, now was my time to strike before calum got back and ruined it.

"luke?" I asked looking down at my hands. "I have something to talk to you about" I added causing him to nodd at me. 

I ended up telling him everything about our situation before calum got back, which was a relief because he took a quick break. calum ended up going home, leaving me and luke to talk.

"I see. I think I got the gist of it" luke said. "damn calum, i'll smack that pretty face of his" luke said putting his fist in his hand. "huh?" I asked. "you can't toy with the heart of someone in love" he said getting up about to go find calum before I stopped him.

"that's not what I want.. I don't want you to blame calum" I said trying to convince him. "huh?" he asked. "i'm not trying to alter his nature, no matter what he does or what he's like, I still love him, I just want him to feel the same way as I do" I said. "so please help me out?" I pleaded him. 

luke put his hand on my shoulder, "wendy, what a devoted person you are, all right, i got it! i'm on your side" he said cheering. "i'll help you win calum over" he added. I grinned really wide, "thank you so much!" I put both of my hands together. 


so this was obviously a filler because I'm lame and need to come up with better ideas

but hello luke was introduced?!?!?!? he's not a bad character i promise


i know we aren't blessed occasionally with shirtless luke bc hes insecure(although he shouldn't be)

but let's just pretend, fam.


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