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love can be so deceiving yet so peaceful, once we think we have it, we start to relax but by a blink of an eye, it'll be gone before anyone knows it. those who have been in love understand it way better than I ever could considering i've never been in love, but I hope I get the chance to learn and witness all the feelings that come along with it.

it was the day that ashton wanted me to meet him at the park, I know calum told me to stay away from him, but i'd rather see what chances I have before I let a jerk like him keep me from them. 

I was currently running abit late, I had spent hours trying to figure out what to wear, I usually never put this much effort in just a single outfit, but it was definitely needed for this day. I finally saw ashton sitting on one of the park benches waiting for me. he was wearing a foo fighters shirt((a/n; OK IDK IF HE ACTUALLY HAS A FOO FIGHTERS SHIRT, IM PRETTY SURE HE DOES, BUT OH WELL WHO CARES)) with some ripped jeans and his boots on, his hair looked so good, it was all shaggy and curly, I absolutely loved it. 

"Ashton!" I yelled his name to get his attention, he looked at me with such a happy look in his eyes. I finally caught up and gave him a tight hug. "sorry for making you wait" I said sending an apologetic smile in return. "I wasn't waiting at all" ashton chuckled. his eyes traveled up and down my body after he said that. "you know, that outfit is really cute, but not as cute as you" he smirked. I blushed a little. "y-you think so? I was wondering if it was a bit too average" I stuttered. he shook his head at me.

"shall we go?" he asked with a smile, I nodded. we ended up going all over the small town, it was absolutely fun, he took me in a couple of shops and taught me stuff here and there about the drums and a few stuff about guitars. he occasionally caught me staring at him when he spoke, I'd look away embarrassed that I got caught, but i couldn't help it, he looked so passionate when he spoke about music and the drums. I absolutely loved that about him. he even took me to get some ice cream, we talked about anything and everything, he even told me i had ice cream on my chin, he'd smile at me when I tried to find out where the ice cream was on me, but he finally just wiped it off for me. I was having a good time without calum. 

for the first time ever, I think i've found someone who might be the person and he is way better than calum will ever be. 


we finally went back to the park and sat down by the fountain surrounding it in the middle of the park, it was absolutely beautiful as we watched the sun begin to set.

"I had a fun time today, ashton. thank you so much for taking me out today" I muttered looking at him. he smiled at me, "no, thank you. I had a great time" he pat my head. "so, i've been wondering for a while..that guy from the other day.. he's your boyfriend, right?" he asked me nervously. he was even cute when he was nervous, holy shit. "that's just.." I tried to say before ashton cut me off. "I'm sorry I asked you out when you have a boyfriend, I wasn't really welcomed, was I?" he asked me looking at the pavement. 

"i-it's not that, calum isn't my boyfriend!" I exclaimed. "but you're going out with him, right?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face. I shook my head at his question. "for a number of reasons, i'm having him pretend to be my boyfriend, but we're not really going out" I muttered. "is that.. true?" ashton asked. "yeah! so there's no problem!" I smiled. "actually, I was happy that you asked me out" I added. I kept staring at the ground and then back to ashton, "i'd really like you to be my real boyfriend" I said hopefully.

"No, no way! no way!" he started, "why would I go with someone like you if you're not calum's girl!" he shouted. "what the hell. you should've told me earlier" he added. "I totally wasted my time and money" he groaned. "ashton?" I asked. he turned his head towards me. "sorry, long time ago, calum stole my girlfriend, so I just wanted to steal his girlfriend to get even and give him a taste of his own medicine" he said. I honestly didn't know how to feel, I was completely shocked that ashton was capable of something like this. of course it revolved around calum hood.

"so now you know, just forget all of this." he laughed with a vicious grin on his face. "so take it easy" he pat my shoulder as he was beginning to walk away. "I see, I see. that's what was going on" we both heard a familiar voice say. I turned around quickly to see calum standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"no wonder why you have the same kind of smell as me" he smirked as he took his sunglasses off and sent me a grin. oh god why was he here? was he following us the entire day? I hope not oh my god. "Calum!" ashton clenched his fists. "taking revenge out of spite, what a dick move" calum scoffed. "Shut up! you're the one who stole my girlfriend!" ashton growled. "I don't recall stealing anyone, I bet that girlfriend of yours probably had a crush on me by herself" calum said putting his hand on his head. ashton sent him a glare,  calum all the sudden got in ashton's face, "you know what? just bring it on" calum challenged him. "what? you want to fight?" ashton asked. "absolutely not, I hate violence" calum grinned. 

calum walked towards me and put his hand on my shoulder, "c'mon. let's go home, Wendy" he commanded. I looked up at ashton, "ashton, was it really a lie?" I asked with shaky hands. "from the beginning, things you said and things you did..all of it?" I asked. he looked at me with such a evil look in his eyes. 

"it's your fault you got fooled, I mean how desperate are you for a man anyway?" he asked with a smirk, "I butter you up a bit and you fall for me right away, there's no way i'd go for a girl as cheap as you" he scoffed. tears began to stream from my eyes, I started to feel like absolute shit, I shouldn't have been that open. 

suddenly, I heard a loud noise, calum's fist went straight into ashton's face and sent ashton to the ground, "That hurt! you said you hated violence!" ashton groaned. "Yeah I sure did. so?" calum said standing over ashton cracking his knuckles. "what the hell? you guys really are going out!" he shouted. "I said we're not. drop it already" calum said putting his arm around me as we began to walk home, suddenly calum turned his head to face ashton, "but.. she IS mine" he stated. my eyes widened hearing that come out of calum's mouth. "It pisses me off when you hurt her for no reason" he added. he's such an idiot, i'm not an object.

"you really never learn" calum complained. "how many times do you have to be fooled?" he asked walking in front of me. "learn a lesson from your time with me" he added. "did you realize everything from the beginning about ashton?" I asked. "Of course, and your lies, too." calum said. he knew everything and still came? "don't bother me with this load of crap anymore, next time i'll throw you out a window" he stated. "Jeez, what a terrible first love I had" I sighed. he flicked my nose, "you idiot." he sighed. "I bet you were pumped up for a romance, right?" he asked. he turned towards me and came up to me, "the "love" you feel in that state is imaginary" he said sighing again, "how can you call that love? it's pointless to get bummed over it" he added. 

it's hard to tell but maybe he's trying to make me feel better? he gave me a gentle look, "what?" he asked as he caught me staring.

"he may be closer than you think, you simply never realized it" kaitlyn's words were replaying in my mind as i looked at calum, could it be? 

"let's get going, poochie" he commanded. that's absolutely impossible. "I might need to train you again from scratch" he smirked at me. 

I guess it could be possible..




but like dang ashton really? you were so cute wtf. 

calum came to save the day bc he has the power to make people happy. aye. ((:

i'm cashton asf tbh, i mean i ship cake, but then there's muke and malum AND IDK OK ITS SO CONFUSING OK.  but yeah 

like and give this a vote? i mean c'mon pls senpai's. 


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