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"are these your plans for our date, mikey?" I asked as he put down a piece of paper on my desk, it seemed to be some catalog. 

"yeah, I thought it about it a lot, and ended up with all of them" he said smirking, he looked really excited about what he had planned. it was extremely cute.

"this must have taken time to plan, mikey" I said going all throughout the catalogue. there was a ton of stuff circled in red marker and a ton of little ideas scribbled in it.

"it wasn't to be honest, I just thought of a lot of things that would make you happy, I don't want to be the only one having fun on this date" he chuckled.

"then, which would recommend most?" I asked with a grin playing on my face, I absolutely loved that he had so much to pick from. "I just want to go to a place that you like" I added, which caused him to smile really wide.

"then, how about the aquarium?" he asked pointing to one of the red circles in the catalog, "oh, great idea!" I said smiling at him as I picked up all of my stuff and walked with him throughout the hallways.

"I heard the lights at night are really the best! so we could have dinner around the aquarium" mikey suggested, I never knew there were guys like michael who would plan dates, I've heard so many girls complain about how guys don't ever plan things with them, but michael was completely different.

"that sounds great, mikey" I said snapping out of my thoughts, I was so deep within my thoughts, I just completely zoned out.

"and when you walk down the hill, there's a park, and the fountain there is really pretty, they say when a couple watches it, they'll succeed in love" michael said with a hopeful tone. "but it's prob-b-ably just a dumb myth" he added with a little chuckle.

I laughed when all the sudden my eyes darted to a familiar figure standing in the courtyard with some random girl. the girl had looked as if she was confessing her feelings towards him, and when I say him, I mean calum. I could spat his black shaggy hair anywhere, especially with his blonde highlights. The way he had his hands in his pockets and how he would smile at her, it reminded me of how much I missed him.

I shook my head out of those thoughts, "I agree to those ideas, mikey. let's go!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him away from that sight. michael saw the hurt in my eyes when I looked at calum, he frowned and clenched his fists. I could sense his discomfort. I tried going forward when I fell forward and scraped my knee.

"wendy! are you okay?" michael yelled as he got down by my side, which caused calum to look over to my direction. I wrapped my arm around michael's neck, and he picked me up and carried me towards the nurse's office. 

"wait here, i'll go find a nurse" michael said, I nodded at him in return and stared at my scraped knee which was bleeding now. 

the door opened again, I looked over and thought it was michael again, but I was greeted by calum in the doorway. why was he here? no way..so awkward.

"are you not feeling well?" I blurted out to break the awkward silence between us. he opened the medicine cabinet and shut it as he took some pills out.

"you're clumsy as always" calum said with a sigh. 

"what?" I asked.

"your leg. if a woman gets cuts and bruises, she'll lose value and yours is low to begin with" calum said closing the pill tablet. I was majorly confused, when did that myth get around?

"stop nagging, even so, there are still people who accept me" I said turning my head the other way and trying to block him out.

"so you're lowering your standard in men? you have no ambition" calum said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"I'd be happy to refuse someone with overly high standards, who looks down on others" I said with a flustered look on my face.

"so, how's everything with that Mr. Wuss?" he asked walking towards me.

"not to worry. we're getting along quite well" I said with a confident look on my face.

"huh? that's great. you're gonna date?" calum asked.

I avoided his question and went straight with my questions.

"what about you? now that i'm gone, you can pick whoever you like, right?" I asked.

"I told you, I find those things annoying" he said. "I have no interest in any woman" he added which made me give up. I see how he is.

suddenly, calum slammed his hand on the wall in front of me which blocked me from going anywhere.

"do you love him?" he asked with an angry look.

"that's not your problem, is it?" I asked with a tight jaw.

"you can't give me a straight answer, which means you don't" he said.

I rolled my eyes, "I mean, right now then in the future?"

"are you confident that you could love him?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I do want to fall for him!" I shouted.

calum's  head got lower, and his eyes faded, he had such sadness in his eyes.

"actually, didn't you say you and I are complete strangers?" I asked. "stay out of my business, if you want to kill time, i'm sure you've got plenty of other ways" I spat.

calum took his hand off the wall and just stood there staring at me.  suddenly the door quickly opened revealing a worried michael.

"I've got the nurse righ-" he said but suddenly stopped.

"michael, it's really nothing serious, so dont worry. let's go"

"s-sure" michael stuttered as I took his hand and left calum in the nurse's office by himself.


michael and I were currently on our date, and I was having a whole lot of fun, he'd always find something to make fun of me for, but I didn't mind because michael was having fun too.

"it's a clown fish! it's so cute, looks like nemo!" I said pointing towards the glass protecting the fish and everything inside the tank.

"why does it have to be nemo? maybe it doesn't want to be nemo, gosh wendy" michael joked, I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"I don't know! but you can't tell me that you don't think of nemo when you see it!" I shouted, he chuckled at me and sighed.

michael and I ended up going through all of the small exhibits and looking at every single one of them, he'd constantly look at me when I wasn't looking at him. I felt his eyes on me all the time. I was always having fun with michael, but I noticed michael frowned at me as if he noticed off about me.

we were currently looking through a little gift shop in the aquarium, and through the glass window I saw luke, or at least I could have sworn I did? he was walking with a couple of friends and he looked straight at me.

I wonder what he was doing out, maybe he'd tell calum that he saw me? no, no, I can't want that. calum's none of my concerns, i've got michael.. I think. 



im a michael girl if you cant tell, 

so im enjoying this way too much but omg, im gnna die sooner or later

bc he wont be in this for long, BUT ILY MICHAEL OK.


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