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it was just another rainy day as usual, it was right after school when it decided to start pouring of course. paige and lynn kept going on and on about what their boyfriends could do for them, it got annoying but i'd always remember, i have a "boyfriend" now, which means I could also outdo them on this type of thing.

"ugh, I'm so tired of this weather" paige complained.

"i'm gonna have my boyfriend pick me up by car" lynn bragged.

"hey, not fair!" paige shouted.

"having an older boyfriend is definitely handy at times like this" lynn smirked. "oh you guys want him to give you a ride too?" she asked looking up from her phone.

"that's not necessary" a voice said behind us, causing all three of us to look behind us to see calum with a umbrella behind us. he suddenly grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me closer to him opening up the umbrella above us.

"taking wendy home is my responsibility" he smiled at them. "huh?" I asked with a confused look on my face. I just went with it, "that's what he says. so, bye bye!" I smirked at both of them leaving them in front of the school.

once we began walking, all the girls from our school began to gossip about us again, mostly about calum of course, but can you blame them? most of them were saying things like, "isn't he nice? doesn't he have a dazzling smile?" but I could care less, if only they knew the actual him. calum hood is my "loving boyfriend" and as you can see, we're the head over heels in love couple... at least that's what we're pretending to be..

"hey, i'm getting wet. lean in towards me a bit more." calum griped. I rolled my eyes at him, "i hate to say this, but i'm barely covered myself." he smirked. "oh, I see" he said slowly. "Suit yourself, I don't mind quitting the boyfriend act any time." he added. my eyes widened. he would totally use that against me. "If people find out you never really had a boyfriend you'll end up being lonely tomorrow" he added. I groaned loudly, I put the umbrella over him completely, leaving me to be drenched. "i'm sorry" I muttered.

"good. a dog has to be smart" he laughed. In reality, I'm not a girlfriend, or not even treated as a human. I don't know what everyone saw in calum, he was such a sadistic guy. I guess we all have secrets.


After that annoying walk home with calum, I decided to meet kaitlyn at the cafe that's on the corner of my neighborhood. I needed to see someone other than calum.

"he's a total black-hearted viper!" I shouted.

"look who's talking, wolf girl" she said smirking at me. "wolf girl?" I asked. she started laughing as she continued reading through a magazine, "that's your new nickname, dummy" she chuckled.

"but still, hard to believe you made calum hood be your fake boyfriend" she added. "he's in your class, right, kaitlyn?" I asked with wide eyes. "yeah, he is, but he doesn't strike me as someone who's willing to play along with your little lie" she said shrugging.

"he's just doing it to make me his slave" I groaned. "sure, sure" kaitlyn said in a sarcastic voice. "but no matter what you say, you're getting along with him, right?" she asked. "you're a total masochist" she added. I spit out my drink after hearing that, "what makes you say that?!" I shouted. "I mean, most people wouldn't put up with it, you're a natural wendy" she smirked at me.

"hell no, he totally gets on my nerves making me do whatever he wants, but i just have to be patient and keep a mature mind" I said trying to a prove a point. "I figure i'm the one taking advantage of him." I added. she sighed, "you're saying that to convince yourself.." kaitlyn said putting her head into her hands.

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