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it was a new day, and it was going smoothly, nothing weird had happened for the first half of the day, and I was so thankful for that.

lunch time had finally rolled around, and the girls were still curious about my boyfriend that I showed them the other day.

"let's go for lunch!" I insisted. 

we all sat down as soon we got our lunches, lynn was still trying to think about where she saw my fake boyfriend before. 

"hmm.. who was that guy?" lynn thought to herself.

"lynn, will you just drop it!" paige groaned.

"..prince!" lynn beamed. 

"huh?" paige and I both asked.

"I mean, Wendy's boyfriend!" lynn said. "He's calum hood from class A" she insisted. so that was his name? that's a weird name, but hey he's gorgeous, so it shouldn't matter, not like i'll ever see him again"

After lynn said that, a guy walking past recognized what she said and stopped in his tracks with his lunch in his hands, "huh?" a voice said looking towards us.

as soon as he looked over, he immediately recognized me. no way.. this can't be happening, not today satan, not today.

"ah! you're the one who took-" he started before I cut him off and took him another room before he could say anything else.


this was not good, I had to find a way to improvise fast!

I was still panting from all the running we did, calum was fixing his shirt that was wrinkled from me grabbing it so harshly.

how could i have possibly known he'd be someone so close by?

"well? can I help you with something?" he asked nicely. it was as if he wasn't even affected by any of what just happened.

"um.. well." I stuttered. he took out a rag from his pocket and wiped my forehead with it gently, "you're sweating a lot. are you okay?" he asked with a worried look on his face.

"looks like there's something going on, if you wish, i'd be glad to listen" he insisted with a nice smile. he was so nice for someone who was just all the sudden taken hostage by me. how nice is he? it's not just his look that are perfect, he acts like a total prince. maybe he would..

I ended up telling him everything, including the reason why I needed to have him continue being my fake boyfriend. he seemed really calm about the whole thing.

"i see. i think i got the basic point." he started off.

jeez, how embarrassing, what if he's totally creeped out by this? Most people would be freaked out in situations like this, especially if they were playing his role.

"that's fine, long story short, you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend, right?" he asked looking at me with such gentle eyes.

"yeah, be my fake boyfriend calum" I insisted. dear god, i can't believe someone this merciful really exists.

"then, first off.. spin around three times, give me a paw and go "woof". he said changing his entire expression. it almost looked so evil.

"what do you mean, "woof"? I asked with wide eyes.

"go on, do it" he demanded. "what's with the stupid look on your face?" he scoffed.

"don't tell me you'd think i'd help with this bunch of crap for free." he smirked. he suddenly stood up towering over me, and looked at me with his scary expression, "If you want me to play along with your stupid farce, you're gonna have to be my dog." he added.

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