Chapter 41

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Credit due to the original writer


Chapter 41

I watched her again as she twisted slightly, still sleeping. I slowly walked over and then pulled the cover over her. 

“Thank you”, she mumbled and curled even more into a ball. I smiled and let my hand slide down her cheek. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly. I chuckled and left the room, to go downstairs. Something smelled burnt and I started running when I saw smoke coming from the kitchen door. 

“What the hell is going on?!”, I yelled as I saw a grey beanie in between the smoke. Louis. 

“Good monring sunshine!”, Louis exclaimed happily and turned to me.

“What are you doing in my kitchen?!”. 

“Errr, well”, Louis laughed and waved the smoke away from around him. I sighed as I looked over at the burnt toast he had made. “Funny story actually”. 

“Harry threw you out again?”. Louis grinned and nodded. Harry sometimes did that when Louis had done something to mess up Harry’s cooking. The other three of us were then invaded by Louis, and this time I was the unlucky one. 

“And I looked through your fridge… someone has been shopping!”, he smiled and walked over to open the fridge door, but I stopped him. 

“Oh no!”, I said and pushed him back. He pouted his lips. “Sit down”, I sighed, “I’ll make you something”. He sat back down on his chair with a satisfied look on his face. I got out some eggs, and cracked them in a pan, pushing Lou’s burnt toast to the side. I started frying them, and added some salt. After making seven for me, two for him, and then three for Charlie, I sat down with him. 

“Thank Nialler, you’re the best”, Louis said chewing his eggs. 

“I get that a lot”, I smirked. We ate for a while, without talking. 

“So”, Louis said after a while, “what are you doing today?”. I sighed, better just tell him. I couldn’t lie. 

“Actually”, I chuckled nervously, “I have a date”. 

“That’s great! I was wondering when that was going to happen”. 


“Yes, you and Charlie are so cute together”, he winked at me. Charlie? What was he talking about. 

“No, it’s not Charlie”. 

“Not?”, Louis looked up from his plate and looked confused at me. 

“I and Charlie are only friends”. 

“But you like her”. 

“As a friend”. Louis wrinkled his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. How could he tell I liked Charlie? But then again, Louis was good at reading people. Sure he was the joker in the group and rarely took things seriously, but he was smarter than you’d think. But I couldn’t tell him how I felt about Charlie, even though I trusted Lou. And anyways, it was Annie I was going on a date with.

“Then who is it?”, Louis asked. 


“Annie who?”. 

“Just some girl I met at the party”. Louis almost choked on his omelette. 

“The party? Really. This is so not like you Niall”. 

“I know”, I mumbled. “But she asked and…”, I hesitated. “…it isn’t really a date. More of a, two people getting to know each other thing”. 

“So… it’s a date”, Louis stated. I sighed. 

“Anyways, that’s what I’m doing today”. 

“So Charlie’s alone then?”. 

“She’s working her project”. Louis didn’t reply, only eating his egg. I guess he thought it sounded wrong of me leaving Charlie, and I guess I felt that way too. But then again, she had said it was ok, and I would make it up to her later. I and Louis ate our food, even though he didn’t want his second egg so I took that one too. 

“Better head home and talk to Harry”, Louis smirked and burped loudly. I laughed at him. 

“Good idea, see you later Lou”. And then he was gone.

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