Chapter 76

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Credit due to the original writer


Chapter 76

Charlie’s POV (a few weeks later):

“Shhh”, I hushed them as they all came through the door of the apartment. Liam, Harry, Zayn and… “Where is Lou”, I asked. 

“He said he had to get a special present”, Harry shrugged. 

“So we wait for him?”, I asked. 

“No, he said we could just go without him and that he’d come in a second”. I shrugged and they followed me inside. We invaded the kitchen and got everything ready. The cake, the breakfast, the gifts. 

“I’ll play the guitar”, Zayn said and went out to the living room and came back with one of Niall’s guitars. Liam chuckled. 

“Zayn, you can’t play the guitar”. 

“It’s the thought that counts”. We all laughed at him. The morning sun was shining through the windows, making the leaves outside glow with red, orange and yellow. We were all still on our pajamas, and the room was cold which made me shiver. Zayn wrapped his arms around me from behind, I smiled thankfully at him.

“If Lou doesn’t come here soon, we’ll just have to start without him”, Liam said. 

“He said we could just go”, Harry replied. We glanced at each other and decided to go upstairs. I grabbed the cake, Harry had made it the day before. Liam lit the candles. Harry picked up the presents, and Liam got the tray we had filled with as much food we could possibly fit on it. Zayn was too occupied with the guitar. 

“Let’s go”, I whispered and we all tip toed up the stairs and over to Niall’s bedroom. Harry, who was standing in front, turned and mouthed “1, 2, 3..”

“Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!”, we all half yelled half sang as we entered Niall’s room. “Happy Birthday dear NIALL!”, we laughed at his face as he sat up in his bed. “Happy birthday to you!”. Zayn played random chords on the guitar and it all sounded awful, especially with me singing as well, but Niall’s face lit up with gratitude. 

“Wow”, Niall whispered and Harry spread the gifts out on the bed in front of him. 

“Happy birthday you beautiful blonde leprechaun!”, Liam exclaimed and handed Niall the tray with food. Niall smiled down and stuffed a strawberry into his mouth. 

“Thanks lad”, he mumbled. I chuckled and placed the cake on his bedside table, and went to close his window. It was ice cold inside his room. “Come under here”, Niall said and lifted the covers up for me. I smiled and slid underneath, followed by Harry. 

“Cuddling time!”, Harry yelled and threw him over me and then hugged both me and Niall tight. I coughed slightly as Harry’s arm choked me, and my head was pressed against Niall’s. 

“Happy birthday”, I coughed and then pulled loose from Harry’s grip, giving Niall a hug. Harry leaned back so I was lying in the middle again. 

“Thanks”, Niall said and stuffed a strawberry into my mouth. 

“Go on then”, Zayn said in an excited voice and gestured towards the presents on the bed. “Open them!”. Niall smiled and put the tray over to my lap and then reached for a present. 

“Wait!”, a voice shot through the door. Louis. “You have to see my present first!”. We all looked towards the door and Louis burst through holding up something. There was a few seconds of silence before I fell back, laughing like crazy at what Louis was holding up. Harry was almost out of breath too, laughing so hard. Liam put his hand to his mouth and his eyes widened at Louis’ present. Niall’s mouth dropped to the floor as he realized what it was. 

“Louis, what the….”, Zayn whispered. I and Harry were now clenching onto each other with laughter. 

“Happy birthday Nialler!”, Louis yelled and looked proudly at his gift.

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