Chapter 1: Baby Nezzy

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*Harry's POV*

It was Amnesia's first day of preschool and I was kinda nervous she's never been around any other kids before and I don't know how she will react. I was currently putting her in this cute little dress that she wanted with a cute headband and some adorable shoes with stockings and can I say she look's so cute in it. I had her with my ex boyfriend Nick. I was 16 and stupid. But I don't regret having my daughter I love her so much. Its just hard being a single dad and all. Nick was a great guy before I got pregnant he took me on dates and did all all this sweet stuff and then the day I told him, he just blew up saying it wasn't his even though I was a virgin when Nezzy was made. If you haven't figured it out yet Nezzy is 5 and I am 21 now.

"Nezzy honey come on daddy has to go to work and get you to school. Grandma will be picking you up from school to take you to Uncle Zayn's house." I shouted.

"Okay daddy I'm coming." Nezzy replied coming down the steps.

"And if you are good on the first day and with grandma and uncle Z, I'll take you to get a new dolly how does that sound princess." She cheered as I picked her up. I loved getting her new dolls and bows for her hair and taking her shopping, so many people come up to me and think she so cute.

When I dropped her off at school I had a hard time getting to leave cause she was on my leg but then her teacher came out and took her telling her there was cookies inside if she came in. His name was Niall and he was so sweet to her. I bet I'll be getting some phone calls from him later. I got to work on time, I sat at my desk and looked at my computer there was a picture of me and Nick, then me and Nezzy but non of us as a family and that made me sad . I was working on a poster for a makeup ad when Niall called me.

"Mr. Horan whats wrong."

"Nezzy is doing just fine I just wanted to tell you that she is getting along great with a little girl named Lilly and boy named Luca so no need to worry I got it all under control." he assured me.

"Wow thank you and did they give you the sheet of what she can and cant have throughout the day." I asked

"Yes they did. Have a very good day Mr.Styles."

"As for you Mr. Horan." When I hung up I got and email from Nick and I didn't know if I wanted to open it or not.

From: Nick Grimshaw

To: Harry Styles

Dear Harry,

Hey I was just wondering since I have to pay for things for Nezzy. And since its her first day I knew if she was good your gonna get her another doll so meet me for lunch and I'll give you some money.

From: Nick Grimshaw

To: Harry Styles

Dear Nick,

That would be nice meet me at the cafe near my job at noon.

After I sent the email and did a little bit of work I had to get going to the cafe when I got there Nick had a cup of coffee and a scone waiting for me. He always wants to meet me when I don't have Nezzy. "Hello Nick." I greeted sitting down

"Hi Harry."

"Cut the shit and give me the money for your daughter that you don't see cause your so far stuck up your own ass, and thanks for the scone and coffee."

"Fine I just wanted to see you."

"Well you know what, Nezzy is 5 and already knows that her papa doesn't want her. She cries some night wanting you. She's seen pictures of you and I have to make up some excuse for you And i'm done, you don't get to see me for more then 5 mins till you decide to see Nezzy as well." I walked back to work and did the rest of what I had to do that day.

*Nicks POV*

I cant believe that Harry just walked out on me. It is not my fault that I am not ready to take care of a kid, but I should be. Ive loved Harry since the first day I met him and he is just amazing, If I have to take care of Nez I really shouldn't care because he's the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without him.

I remember when I told Him I was so rude and talking so hateful to him, all he did was tell me that we were gonna have a family soon and that freaked me out."


I was waiting for Harry to get home for the doctors hes been sick for a couple days and I was getting worried, Harry never gets sick.

"Nick i'm home." he yelled walking in.

"Hi baby did you find out what was wrong, I hate seeing you like this."

"Yes I did and i'm so happy you have no idea. Okay so here it is.....I'm Pregnant."


"Nick whats wrong."

"Get rid of it I don't want a fucken kid, Hell maybe its not even mine. WHO THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING BESIDES ME."

"Nick its yours your the only person i've had sex with I promise."

"I don't want it go get it out NOW."

"No Im not killing our baby, and if you dont want it ill just pack my stuff and leave because its me and the baby or neither or us. Good bye Nick." He ran to our room crying, I walked out of the house pissed off.

*Flashback Over*

I regret what I did that day I knew it was wrong but I just dont want a kid, maybe if we had her at 25 or 28 and not 16 I would want her but Its to early to have a kid. Im sorry Harry I wish one day you can forgive me. And with that I cried into my pillow, thinking of Harry.

*At Zayn's House*

*Zayn's POV*

"Nezzy honey come to the kitchen I have a snack for you." I yelled

"Uncle Z daddy doesn't let me have M&Ms you know that." She replied from the living room

"Oh no honey those are mine you get a bowl of strawberries." She sat down and ate her fruit While I called Harry.

"Hey Hazza Nezzy was great at school when will you be home And did you meet Nick today."

"Hey thats great give her a kiss for me, and yes I did meet him, he gave me $100 and wanted to talk to me but I told him that he cant spend time with me until he spends some with Nezzy and walked away."

"Thats good Haz I mean he did help male her and you and Nez come as a package deal when you find a guy make sure you have her with you. You'll find someone better then Nick Hazzy he's just a low life and doesn't care."

"Yeah I know Z I'll be their in an hour to get her then I'll take her shopping want to come with."

"Okay and sure I'd love to, haven't seen her or you in a while see my bff and god daughter don't I." I hung up and went back to Nez she was done with her fruit and I popped in her favorite movie. it's funny cause her dad loves this movie to it's Love Actually its like an adult movie but Harry watches it so much that she kinda got into it. Soon the movie was over and Harry came inside. Nezzy was asleep on my lap and I was ready to go. I got her bag and gave her to Harry. Then we left, Plus I may or may not have sent a text to my friend Liam to ask his friend Louis was working at Toys R Us tonight.

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